Chapter 32

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     (Wait to play this till I tell you to thanks)
It's a cold October night, I noticed as I rolled out of bed to go get some water. It's been about a week since the wet dress incident and I've tried to keep my distance from Tom, but it's pretty unavoidable at times. He seemed so unmoved and calm about it like it was nothing. He never even mentioned it. Maybe his eyes falling to my body was a trick of my mind. Maybe I subconsciously still longed for his attention. No matter how much I fight that idea I can't completely deny it. My reaction to that ordeal makes sure of that. I pushed my blonde hair back and searched the floor for my pink bunny slippers. My feet were unable to find them so I got down on my hands and knees reaching under the bed for them. I hissed in pain as my fingers touched something sharp. I retreated my hands and moved to have a look under the bed. I furrowed my brows as I spotted a flat, white, rectangular object. I grabbed it and quickly recognized it as that mystery album I found in the attic all those days ago. I must've forgot about it, but how did it get down here? Maybe one of the kids shoved it under here while playing. I ran my finger tips over the words For Roslyn on the front not recognizing the handwriting. I got up from my position on the floor and pulled the record out analyzing it. How strange I don't recognize this one. The cold metal of the record player nearly stung my fingers as I moved the needle so I could put on my new found record. The static of the record began to play as I moved to once again find my slippers. Suddenly a voice came from the record player and I couldn't decide if I recognized it or not strangely enough. "November 27th 1946, Roslyn, it's Jimmy there's so many things I want to tell you but every time I try I can't find the words so I decided so tell you in the best way I know how: through music." The man's words seemed so comforting, so sincer it's like I know him, but I can't quite place the name. "Jimmy," I mumbled the name of the mystery man feeling the faint memory of the syllables leaving my lips like muscle memory. November 27th 1946? That's the exact day I was condemned to a 3 year slumber. "This is for you Roslyn, this is your song," what played next was the most beautiful song I've ever heard.

Tears flooded my eyes as the song ended and the voice spoke once more. "I love you Roslyn, you're always wonderful to me," I couldn't hold in my tears as I tried to search my brain for any memory of this man that wrote me such a beautiful song. "Wonderful," I repeated as it seemed to echo in my mind. It made my head spin at the familiarity of the word and the warmth that came with it as it left my lips. I began to think back on the days when I was on my own, but there was no man I could remember by the name of a Jimmy. Then my thoughts snapped to the photos I had, if he knew me this well he's sure to be in some of my pictures. I jumped up from my seat on the bed and messily rustled through the box of my old things from my singing days. Why can't I remember him?! Hot tears spilled down my face as I grew more and more frustrated. I finally emptied the box on the floor out until I found my photos. One by one I flipped through them but there was no sign of this man. However in nearly every photo there was one odd familiarity, it was as if something was missing in each one. There were photos of me looking at someone who wasn't there, and even a few where it looks like I was holding onto someone invisible. I became more and more frustrated as it all began to click in my mind as more and more photos showed this same similarity. There's only one spell that could do something like this. I didn't want to believe it as my mind stumbled onto the obliviate spell. I didn't remember him because his memories were stolen from me. There's only one person capable of doing such a thing to me. Everything suddenly fell into place as I emitted an anguished scream from my lips as I cried. Who was Jimmy?! What was he to me?! He had to be pretty important to me for his memory to be stolen from me. I didn't think as I threw the photos in my hands down and grabbed my wand out of the drawer I had been keeping it in. Anger boiled in my veins as I threw open the door to my room and stormed out into the halls looking for the man responsible for this. I suddenly bumped into Parkinson in the hall. "Where is he?" I seethed. "Where's who?" She asked annoyedly. "Don't play games with me Parkinson where's Tom?!" I yelled pushing her against the wall. "Hey what are you insane?!" She yelled as she fought against me. In her struggle to get out of my grasp I noticed a familiar bobble hanging around her neck. My eyes widened as I snatched it from her. "Hey!!" She yelled angrily trying to snatch my horcrux from my hands. "Where did you get this?!" I yelled at her. "Tom gave it to me!" She yelled trying to grab it from me once more. "Trust me I'm doing you a favor," I said as I sent her flying backwards with the help of magic. No wonder she's been such a bitch she's been wearing my horcrux around her neck. This made me even angrier. I need to find this prick. The only place I haven't checked was the meeting room. This was the last straw.

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