Chapter 35

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Spicy content warning ⛔️ a warning sign will be placed before and after any sensitive content.
  My eyes slowly opened to let in the rays of the early morning sun. I quickly shut them once more as my head began to pound and the light irritated it even more. Last night I had the strangest dream only it wasn't a dream at all, it was a memory. It was so clear it was like it had happened yesterday. It was the moment I had officially accepted my fate here in this time period. Strange coincidence how the time turner seemed to go missing right about that point in time, to me it was somehow symbolic, but I think now I know the truth. Maybe he took it in fear that I would be a flight risk even with my reassurance that I wouldn't be. Though I had no real way to leave this time period he went the extra mile to make sure of it.

I groaned as I turned over in bed. What happened last night? I feel like I've been hit by a ton of bricks. I definitely shouldn't have gotten so damn drunk last night that's what I do remember. I rolled over in bed and winced as I felt oddly sore. The blankets beside me were damp making me wrinkle my nose in disgust. Just then the door opened and in walked Gerty with a tray of food. "Good morning sunshine," she said as she placed the tray on the table beside the bed and proceeded to rip open the curtains exposing the bright sun making me wince in pain. "Ouch," I manage to squeak out unable to find my voice. "Why is my voice so hoarse? What happened last night?" I asked as I slowly pulled myself to sit up. "You really don't remember?" She said with a voice dripping in amusement. "Should I?" I asked hesitantly as I reached for the goblet of pumpkin juice she had brought me. "Maybe it's for the best," she said as she sat on the foot of the bed. "How bad is it?" I asked concerned. "Well that depends on if you consider getting crazy drunk, skinny dipping, almost drowning until Tom pulled you from the water....and then proceeding to go to bed with him bad well then yeah," she said a little to quickly. "Ugh again?" I groaned as I realized I had once again let myself slip into his embrace another night."So you did sleep with him the other night," she said as she jumped up pointing at me accusingly. "Surprise surprise," I said with an eye roll. "What did you think we did?" I asked before downing the cup of juice. "According to him you two had...a disagreement," she said not surprising me at all. "Well that's not completely false," I said feeling so much regret for last night's events. "Well I didn't expect an argument that completely destroyed the meeting room to end in cookie time," she said suggestively, "cookie time?" I gave her an odd look as I got up from the bed. "Like how you-"I interrupted her. "I know what you meant," I said in annoyance. "I just don't want to talk about it," I finished impatiently. "And besides, in this house we call it the hippity dippity," I said in a matter of fact tone.

Upon changing out of my night gown I frowned as memories from last night filled my mind. "I just need to get through this day avoiding him at all costs," I stated as I fixed myself in the mirror trying to mentally prepare myself. "So is he good in bed?" She asked making me groan in irritation. "Really Gertrude?" I said with an attitude. "What? I'm just curious!" She defended. "Well could you please be curious about something else? Besides it's not like it'll ever happen again," I assured her as I slipped on my coat. "Sure it won't," she said with a smirk as she rose up from the bed. "I'm serious," I said in annoyance. "Sure you are," she said with a wink before exiting the room. "Trust me there's absolutely nothing that repulses me more than sleeping with Voldemort," I shouted to her as she left. "Absolutely nothing," I whispered assuringly to myself as I stared at my face in the mirror. There's no chance I'm letting myself fall into that trap ever again.
Later that same day:

   ⛔️I moaned in pleasure as Tom claimed me as his own making my body tremble in absolute ecstasy. How did I let myself get to this point once more? It's like I couldn't resist him as soon as I saw him my mind went crazy with a rush of lustful emotions. One thing led to another and suddenly I was pinned on the couch in his study engaging in a love affair with who might as well be my ex-husband. I shouldn't be feeling this way towards the man who has done absolutely terrible things to me. How can a man so evil be so bloody good. He's so good, he's just so good.....he's AMAZINGLY. My body erupted in fireworks and butterflies and I couldn't control myself from being a little too vocal. He's just too damn good.⛔️

Yes you aren't having an absolutely amazing dream I AM BACK!
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