Chapter 30

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Your sweet comments and votes are what motivate me to update. I love all my readers so much ❤️
-weird and random but I've officially changed "Gina's" name to Gianna since literally EVERYONE hates the name Gina.

    As soon as I woke up this morning I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. As always days with Tom Riddle can be sweet and sour. He can be your friend when he needs to, but he's no stranger to switching up on you when the time is right. According to him however, though his methods are straight up demented they are sometimes for what he considers a good cause. Note that I did say sometimes. However that's just a way to manipulate me into believing he's not the devil himself playing tricks on me and torturing me for his own amusement. I haven't seen him at all today as I decided to go through some of my old things with my children.

"What's this mummy?" Scarlett asked picking up a pale pink head scarf. "That my dear is an Amore De Louie Head Scarf. When I was a headlining the music show a couple of the girls backstage gave it to me for my birthday," I told her as I wrapped it around her head and tied it. "There you go beautiful," I said watching as she looked in the mirror with a smile. "Can I have it mum?" She asked. "Yes you can, but take care of it, that little thing is expensive," I said to her as I pulled more things out of the plethora of boxes. I finally pulled the last thing out of the box I was working on and stared down at it rubbing the front of the photo album I had put together when the twins were babies. "Would you like to see pictures of when you were babies?" I asked the twins as I opened the photo album. The first photo was of Tom and I at the Yule Ball. I stared sadly down at the memory of my forced proposal as well as finding out I had lost Gianna on the same night. "You two were in my tummy," I said pointing at the photo of me in the light blue dress standing next to Tom. The forced smiles on our faces made me sigh in sadness at the memory. The next photo was of Tom and I at our first wedding at Hogwarts. In this photo we didn't even attempt to fake a smile. The look on my face was pure dread that could be excused as nerves for a wedding, but I knew what I was truly feeling that night. I felt like my life was ending and I was selling myself to a monster, boy was I right. "This was your father and I when we got married," I said as I flipped the page to a picture of us at our second wedding. This picture made me the saddest because in my eyes we looked happy. This wedding was voluntary and I was the happiest I had ever been. I flipped the page once again to a picture of my newborn twins and I on my death bed. "There's you two when you were born," I said with a small smile. "That's Raven with daddy," I told them, pointing to a picture of Tom bottle feeding Raven. "There's all of us at the orphanage when we left Hogwarts," I said as I looked towards the picture of Tom and I each holding a twin in our arms out in front of the orphanage. A muggle child must've taken this one. "What's an orphanage?" Scarlett asked. "An orphanage is a place where children without mummy's and daddies go to find parents and forever homes," I said as I flipped the page to a picture of the twins and I on a blanket in a field with our puppy. I frowned as I thought about the fate of our little dog. Who knows what happened to him after Tom put me to sleep. "There's all of us at our first house," I said looking down at a picture of all of us in front of our first house together. "And this was your first Christmas," I said holding up the book to show them the picture of me sitting at Tom's feet with each of them in my lap. Tom and I looked so cheerful. "That doesn't look like me," Raven said pointing to the picture. "That's because you were only one year old when that was taken," I said as I put the photo album back in the box. "Do you and daddy love each other?" Scarlett asked suddenly taking me back a little. "Why would you ask that sweetie?" I asked her as I placed the box in the closet. "You said when two people love each other very much they have a baby." She stated following me into the closet. I looked down at her with a tight lipped smile. "Of course we do my baby," I lied as I picked her up in my arms. "Your father and I have a very complex relationship," I said as I carried her out of the closet. "What's complex?" Raven asked. "Complicated," I replied. "What's that?" He asked to which I chuckled. "It means confusing, weird, odd, unusual," I said placing Scarlett down and beginning to clean up. "Oh," Raven said as he continued to play with his toys on the floor. "What do you say we go play outside. It's a beautiful day," I spoke peering outside to see the beautiful courtyard with green grass and flowers everywhere. "Okay!"

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