Chapter 3

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I took a deep breath as I softly knocked on the door. An older man with cigar in his mouth opened it with a sour look on his face. "Hi I'm-" he interrupted me. "Look if this is about the noise-," he began. "No, no I was actually coming by to see if maybe I could audition...for you." I spoke as he eyed me up and down. "Audition?" He asked to which I nodded. "Look doll face you don't just 'audition' for me. Maybe you don't understand what kind of business I run here," he said grumpily. "As I understand it people come here to record, and I'd like to do just that," I said assertively. "I'm not a record deal handing out kind of guy. People come to me if they want to record that's all." He said, annoyed with me. "Only the best of the best, and for anyone who doesn't have what it takes it costs money, a whole lot of it," he continued.

   He went to shut the door when I stoped him. "Just give me a chance, just let me sing something for you," I all but begged. "You're just another one of those girls who thinks they have what it takes to make it in the music business because they can hold a tune, well let me tell you 98% of the people I produce records for don't. They fall off in less then a year. It's a waste of time and money," he said making me angry. "Just one song, if you don't see any kind of talent in one song then I'll leave you alone. Please this is all I've ever wanted just give me a chance." I said hoping and praying he would say yes. He looked like he thought it over before he reluctantly opened the door for me to come in. I followed him inside the messy apartment cluttered in recording mechanisms. "Give it your best shot," he said sitting down on a chair looking up at me expectantly.

I rubbed my hands together anxiously. I knew I had forgot to do something I have nothing prepared. This is my one shot I need to pull something together. "I'm waiting," he said impatiently. "Okay okay," I said taking a deep breath before singing something I had written. It was the only thing I could think of, it just happened to be about Tom. Here goes nothing. "Do you mind if I," I said pointing the guitar to which he nodded. I picked it up and began strumming and then the words flowed from my lips like a lullaby.

I couldn't tell if he was liking my singing or not as he sat with his face buried in the newspaper. I pushed harder and sang the best I ever had trying so desperately to get him to see I had potential. That's when he stopped me. "I've heard enough," he said getting up. "Well what do you think?" I asked as I set the guitar down. "I think I'm gonna be rich," he said as he drank from a coffee cup. "That song is gold," he said gleefully. "And what about my singing?" I asked to which he shrugged. "I can turn anyone into a leading lady," he said. "Wait does that mean..." I said trailing off. "You got a shot at this. You might have something here, but don't get too excited," he said as I smiled excitedly.

    "You sill have to audition for my brother, this is a family business," he warned

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"You sill have to audition for my brother, this is a family business," he warned. "He gets here around 7 I recognize you from across the hall come over at that time." He said to which I nodded. "By the way what's your name?" He asked before I left. "Roslyn," I stated. "Roslyn...Goldsworthy," I said going back to my maiden name. It's just felt right. "I think I like Rose Gold better," he shrugged. I furrowed my brows and thought it over. Rose Gold huh? Whatever he says I guess.

From that day on it was day after day of vocal lessons after the man who I've learned is named Pete and his brother Oscar liked my voice. Oscar said he saw something great in me. He said I was going to be a star. They liked my song the most, and it looked like I was on the road to recording it. They picked apart everything about me they even wanted me to dye my hair black but I declined. They didn't want me to come off as another blonde bimbo so I suggested light brown or red we're still working that out though. My crowd presence was to be determined they wanted to push me as England's sweetheart while some of the other guys thought I could shake things up in the music industry if I played the rebel without a cause part. It was as if I had no say in the decision. At least I've gotten this far, and this is only the beginning.

 At least I've gotten this far, and this is only the beginning

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