Chapter 22

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       I am lost in the darkness. Mysterious figures seemed to lurk in the shadows watching and waiting for something. It seemed ominous, and not being able to move made it even more horrific. I want to scream but my body wouldn't allow it. It's as if my body is asleep but my mind is awake. I tried to move my arms but they were too heavy. Suddenly I heard the voice of a man, but it was only in my mind. "Wonderful," he said in a cheerful tone. He sounds so familiar, but I can't put a face to the voice. I heard him so clearly, it's almost as if he is here. Suddenly my eyes snapped open and I woke once more from my forced slumber. I shot up from the bed I had been asleep on breathing hard and covered in sweat. I tried to get up but I felt so tired. I growled in frustration as I recalled the events before my slumber. Yet I feel less aggressive than I did when I first woke up. I jumped in fright as a dark figure appeared in my line of vision only to disappear in the blink of an eye. I rubbed my eyes believing I was just seeing things. It was a trick of the eye forced upon me by my sleepy state. It has to be.

The room was quiet and dark as I got up from the bed I was laying on. I placed my head in my hands rubbing my face trying to think of what to do. My blood boils in anger for my predicament. My heart breaks for the time I have lost. It's as if I have lived three different life times, before Tom, during our time together, and after him, and now it's the beginning of a new life. In one way or another Tom Riddle single handedly destroyed each one of those lives, and sadly I know he will eventually destroy this one as well. It's almost inevitable. What life is this one? I've lived a life I've built myself, and the one he had built, both ended in devastation. Who builds this one and how will this one end? Why can't I finally find happiness in this life? Even when I escape him it seems awful luck follows me where ever I go. It's like no matter what I'm always destined for disaster. Maybe I have my curse to blame for that.

   I didn't realize I was pacing the room till I caught sight of my reflection out of the corner of my eye. I turned and stared at my reflection expecting to see some changes in my appearance from three years ago but I still look the same. I furrowed my brows as I rubbed my cheek as I looked in the mirror. My reflection seems so unfamiliar to me, however I look the same as I always did. My hair is a bit grown out though. I took the long blonde strands and twisted them in my hands still analyzing my features. For a second I thought I saw something like a strange glint move in my eyes causing me to jump back in fright. I stared at them again but there was nothing out of the ordinary. I pushed my hair out of my face looking back up at my reflection once more. I look like a mess, my skin looked dull and almost lifeless, the bags under my eyes showed how tired I still was. You'd think waking up from a three year nap would cause you to look reguvinated or something. I looked nearly dead. Who knows how long I've been asleep this time.

    I should find my children they're probably horrified after seeing their father knock me out once again

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    I should find my children they're probably horrified after seeing their father knock me out once again. This time they're just old enough to remember it. I made a move towards the door when it opened quickly exposing an older woman I don't recognize. She had jet black hair that clung to her wrinkled face that surrounded two dull grey eyes. She carried a large bag over her long slender arm. "Good you're up," she said as she looked me up and down. "The dark Lord has requested me to get you ready for tonight," she said as she rushed in, laying the bag on the bed. "I need to find my children," I said rushing past her. She caught my arm with her long fingers that possessed sharp nails that dug into my skin. "I highly advise you to not go against the Dark Lord's wishes," she said to which I rolled my eyes pulling my arm from her grasp. "It wouldn't be the first time I've done so," I said as I walked towards the door. "Please," she said rushing up to me. "He will have my head if you aren't prepared," she said. "Prepared for what?" I asked in confusion. "There is a meeting tonight amongst his followers he'd like you to attend," she said causing me to laugh sarcastically. "Why on Earth would he want that?" I asked incredulously. "I tend not to ask him many questions," she said. "If you allow me to prepare you I promise to take you to the children," she said with a begging look in her eyes. I looked at her hesitantly before slowly making my way towards the chair she had pulled out for me to sit in. "I believe a hair cut is in order," she said pulling at my blonde strands. "I suppose so," I said nervously. She opened the bag she had brought which held some cosmetics along with a pair of scissors. "Not too short," I said as she began to cut my hair.

"Perfect," she said as she finished up my hair. "I'll prepare you a bath," she said as I looked at my hair in the mirror. I sighed as I touched up my messy locks of hair. I need to devise some sort of plan to escape this place. There's no way I'm staying here I just need to disappear off his radar somehow. I will never let this happen again. He stole three years of my life. Three years I'll never get back, three years of my twin's lives. It hurts just thinking about it. Anywhere I go he will follow. I just need to figure out how to escape him for good.

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