Chapter 40

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   Do you know that feeling where your stomach drops and your breath hitches in your throat? That bewildering feeling of dread and total regret? That's how I felt in this moment, I didn't dare to turn around. I quickly looked towards the ground and picked up the book hiding my face in it. "Uh wrong person," I quickly said as I muffled my voice. "Roslyn is that really you?" In the absolute most Random turn of events I have somehow ended up in the dragons keep once again. "Not me." I said in a monotone voice as I continued to hide my face in my book before tossing it down on the table and pushing past the blasted interloper.

  I swooped down to take hold of my twin's hands to lead them out, but my shoulders were clutched between a strong set of hands and I was forcibly turned around nearly knocking me to the ground. In one fluid motion I was forcibly and begrudgingly face to face with none other than Pete Leto. "I knew it was you," he said quickly. His eyes were dark and sunken in and his beard was long and shaggy. He looked dirty, unkept, and undoubtedly homeless. "It's like seeing a ghost," he whispered erratically as I pulled myself from his grasp. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said quietly as I again moved to leave with my children. "Oh yes you do! You're the conniving little wench that costed me my business!" He yelled aggressively as he followed me through the library. I tried to my best to ignore him, but curiosity pegged my brain. What does he mean by that? "Why are you running?! Afraid people will recognize you for who you really are? A murderer!!" He screamed after me as he stomped in my direction at the front of the library. My heart beat accelerated and my stomach fell, I immediately wanted to throw up at his allegations."I have no idea who you are!" I yelled furiously and I began to turn red in embarrassment and fear of this man and his antics. "What's happening mummy?" Scarlett asked fearfully. "We all know who you are Rose Gold!!" He snarled as he ran in front of me. I instantly pushed my children behind me and backed up as he drew closer.

I looked around the room fearfully, unintentionally catching the gaze of curious onlookers. "What you thought you could just Waltz back in town like nothing happened?! Like you didn't murder Jimmy Thorn!" He started  laughing maniacally. People started congregating in the small area as this man accosted me. "My brother killed himself because of you!" he all but shouted nearly in tears. No one dared to defend me from his barbaric gestures especially as he reached for me.

   Everything happened so fast I hardly had time to think let alone have a logical thought at all. However, even if I had been thinking logically I believe his body would still be in shambles on the floor. I could hear the whispers and frantic commotion as I overlooked what I had done. A woman's scream knocked me back into reality. I need to come to terms with what I had done but first I need to lock this place down, hide the body, and erase the memory of everyone in the room including my poor traumatized children.

"Dammit!" I cursed as I scrubbed myself nearly raw in the shower. I threw down my sponge in frustration as I began to have flashbacks from doing this before. You'd think I'd finally learn that no amount of scrubbing would ever erase what I've done and absolutely nothing could cure my guilty conscience. Even if he did deserve it I couldn't erase the vision of his mangled body from my mind. How could I be so careless especially infront of my children. Even though they won't remember a thing, it pains me they had to witness it at all. Though my aversion to magic has faded a little, my feelings towards the murder of anyone stay the same. Why couldn't I have just stunned him or something? Why did my mind go straight to murder? Especially in the worst way. His body appeared once again in my mind and I bent over as I threw up at the thought of it. All this time I had been so good and just a few months back in Tom's grasp and look at me. I guess Pete was right, I am a murderer. I'm still curious to know what he meant by saying I costed him his business. As far as I know I have absolutely nothing to do with that. Though I was sorry to hear about his brother I'm even sorrier he put himself in the line of fire. I hardly had time to digest the thought of Jimmy Thorn, whom I don't quite remember, and his untimely death. All I could think about was Pete Leto, the man who had made all my dreams come true by signing me, and also ironically the same man who's dreams I crushed in return. I wish I could turn back time and not have gone into the library at all. I wish I could go back in time and never marry Tom Riddle, but what I really wish is that I could go forward in time and reclaim my once seemingly perfect life, before all the murder, before all the sadness, and before all the trauma. In all this mess I completely forgot about the little one growing inside me. Nothing else should matter now that I'm clear out of doge though. After I finished cleaning up my mess at the library I ran. I ran further than I ever have, I ran to America.

  Aw yes Hollywood California, where all the beautiful stars live, and I Roslyn Riddle am going to be one of them.

Listen.... If you're still here say hi 🥹 it's been a crazy few months but here I am ready to end this once and for all. Thank you for your continued support. More to come soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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