The Sources (Candi) Didn't expect that, huh?

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   Knock knock. I opened the door to see a note on the ground. 'Meet me at the HQ in twenty minutes.

Mabel~' '' I read. Hmm, today might get very interesting.

***Small Grinda pov***

Beep beep bee-smash! That was the sound of my alarm meeting my fist. ''Ugh, I still wanted to sleep.'' I moan. Oh well. I think. Better get some breakfast. I get up and brush my teeth and make myself some eggs and bacon. Knock knock. ''Who could that be this early?'' I say to myself. Knockity knock knock. ''Alright,  I'm coming!" I yell. I open the door and see that know one was there. As I was about to close the door something caught my eye. It was a piece of paper. ''Meet at HQ in twenty minutes. Mabel~'' I read. Hmm, I wonder what for?**Back to Candi's PoV***

*****Twenty Minutes Later***Imagine like in Spongebob Narrator voice****

   ''Alright Mabel.'' I say to the camouflaged girl. ''What's this about?" ''Shh!" The garbage can I was seemingly talking to said urgently. ''Wait til Grinda get's here!" A few seconds later and said person arrives. ''Sorry I'm late guys.'' Grinda says. ''No problem.'' I reply. ''Alright, now that we're all here, I bet you're wondering why I brought you here.'' Mabel said as she stepped out of her garbage can costume. (A/N they are at that diner thingy with the weird animatronics that come to life. Ya, remember now??)  A double reply of 'yes' and 'uh, huh' comes from Grinda and I. ''Alright then, here's the deal.'' Mabel starts. ''Remember Gary?" ''Yes, again I apologize for not finding out that he was taken.'' I say calmly. ''Yeah, what about 'em?" Grinda asks. ''It's another mission like that.'' Mabel says. It is kind of obvious that she is really excited to tell us of her new crush. ''Really?! Who is it?! Is he into girls with long loose hair and braces?!" Grinda asks excitedly. ''Grinda, Grinda.'' Mabel tsks patronizingly. ''I don't know, which is why you guys will help me find out.'' ''Yes, of course.'' I agree. Who knows? Maybe this time this boy will be Mabel's true love. ''Alright then, meeting adjourned.'' Mabel says happily. Then she goes back into the garbage can costume and walks away. ''Well, let's go find out everything.'' I say to Grinda. ''Yeah! I've got the description right here.'' She says, or yells, as she waves a piece of paper around. ''Very well then, let's go.'' And off we go.

****Time Skip*****Cause I'm lazy, again.****And I love llamas :)*****XD

''There he is.'' I whisper to Grinda through the walkie talkie I had with me. ''Yeah! I see him too!" She whisper-yells. He seemed to be looking for something. ''What's he looking for.'' Grenda voiced my thought. ''I don't know.'' Was my reply. We were both wearing camouflage clothing and hiding in some bushes. We turned our attention back to Danny, as he had been with some girl that we assumed was his sister, as they argued about almost everything. The reason we knew his name was because during their arguments the girl called him 'Danny'.  We learned many things that the description didn't say. ''We have to report now.'' I say into the walkie talkie. ''ALRIGHT!" Grenda yells. ''Shh!" I say hurriedly. ''No one can know we're here.'' ''Too late.'' Said a voice. We froze. Then we turned. Behind us was...

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