I'm Being Stalked?!?! (Danny)

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Hope y'all like it! Now, for more pressing matters:
I Do Not Own Gravity Falls nor Danny Phantom! I do, however, own a sad kitty ear hat I got on February 13th. It was a good Valentine's day gift.:) I got it for myself. :) :) ON WITH DA STORY!!!!!


I'd just been minding my own business, okay? Well, Jaz was with me helping me find a summer job. Wah. And I just about had enough of her telling me which job to get. ''Ooh look! Dog walker! That seems easy enough for you Danny, doesn't it?" She exclaimed. ''Sorry,'' I reply, ''but no. I don't want to walk somebody else's mangy pooch.'' Who knows. It's probably a ghost dog. I think to myself. ''Either way,'' I say casually, ''I already have a specific job in mind.'' ''Oh really?" Jaz said surprised. She probably thought I hadn't given the whole 'get a job to earn money' thing a second thought. The thing is, I really had given it a second thought, maybe more. I wanted a job, well, more like the money that job was gonna get me. But, it had to be within my ability to handle. A job at a café? Hahahaha, no. Please, I'm barely passing algebra! Even worse, a job at a Library! ;( I can't even pass my reading grade!! And I won't even get paid much so that job is out of the line, for sure! And the last thing on my list would be working as a dog walker! Last I did something even remotely close to something like walking a dog it turned into a ghost dog! Besides the fact that, yeah, babysitting probably isn't that high on my list of summer jobs. Haha, I don't even have a summer job list. I could always duck tape the kid to the floor or have him/her watch television all day. Or, y'know, put a tracking device on 'em. ''-Nny. Danny?! Earth to Danny!" Jaz yelled in my ear. ''Huh? What?" I reply stupidly. (A/N I feel awkward writing that. I don't usually swear. Actually, I don't swear at all! ) ''As I was saying, what was the specific job you had in mind?" Jaz answered frustratedly. ''Oh! Right. Uh, babysitting.'' I say quickly. Jaz looks at me, surprised. ''I didn't t know you liked kids all that much.'' ''I don't.'' I reply. ''Then why did you want to babysit?" She asked. ''Cause, I can always scare 'em with my powers or give 'em a ride.'' I reply grinning. I know they're not the same reasons I'd thought of, but I don't think Jaz would take the 'duck tape a child to the floor' thing too well. ''Danny!'' She exclaimed. ''You can't scare children with your powers! Or give them rides!" ''Well why not?" I grumbled. ''First,'' Jaz started exasperatedly. ''That would reveal your powers and, who knows, maybe that kid or kids might tell someone or videotape you. Second, you could mentally scar them, or him/her, for life!" ''OK, OK. I understand.'' I said impatiently. ''Great. Now look for a help wanted for babysitter ad.'' She said bossily. ''OK. Hmm.'' Nope. Not that one. No that's a dog sitting poster. Hmm, oh! There! Suddenly, I felt a chill down my spine as I took the help wanted poster. Strange, I thought to myself. Almost feels like someone's watching me. I tried to ignore the cold feeling as I read the details on the poster. You could see that the poster was made from really cheap paper, as it was all crumpled and torn at the sides. It read:

Our Babysitter is a Ghost?!?!?Where stories live. Discover now