Getting Rich!!( Not really) (Stan)

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Man, taking care of one kid is bad enough, but taking care of two is really making me want to drop down dead. 'Course I love taking care a Dipper and Mabel(well more like they take care of themselves and looking after them was really easier than it looked), but sometimes I just gotta go have some Me Time. Let's see hmm...Los Vegas! Perfect! Wait,but who's gonna take care of Dipper and Mabel?? Maybe Wendy or maybe Soos... I'll see which one will want to take care of 'em. I'm gonna have to ask.


"Wendy, how'd ya feel about taking care of Dips and May for a few weeks 'eh?" I say to the redhead. "Oh sorry Mr. Pines, but I can't." "What!?! Why?!?" "'Cause I'm going on a family trip to Black Wood forest." "Well, can't you just.. I don't know..reschedule or something?" "Sorry, but it's not in my power to reschedule, and my dad won't change his mind, so there is No way I can stay either, I already asked." She said in a disinterested tone. "Hmm I'm gonna have to ask Soos."

*****Again later still*******

"Hey, Soos." I said to the maintenance guy, trying to sound happy but serious at the same time,"How'd you like to take care of Dipper and Mabel for a few weeks or days huh?". "Sorry, Mr. Pines but I've gotta take care of my mom and take her to her bingo games." Soos said. "What hapened to your mother?" I asked. "Hmm? Oh she broke her ankle chasing after rabbits." " Why was she chasing rabbits?" It seemed a little weird. "It's a hobbie of hers." He answered. "Oh. But then who's gonna take care of Mabel and Dipper?" "Y'know you could put up a "Babysitter wanted" poster." Soos said, not really paying attention now. "That's a great idea! Problem is how much money I'm gonna have to give to whichever guppy's gonna take the job, hmm.."

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