Babysitting, What Fun

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Beep beep be-

An alarm went off and was smashed by a hand that seemingly appeared out of a mound of blankets. When in reality one of our heroes, Danny Fenton, the owner of said hand is beneath some blankets bunched together that gave him the appearance of a mound of blankets. The hour? 6:00 A.M. The reason for his alarm blaring at such an unholy hour? One word: Babysitting.

And so, Danny begins his day, already fearing that the children he was to babysit for a month wouldn't take him seriously or listen to him. It wouldn't be the first time people didn't take him seriously, either as Danny Fenton or Danny Phantom as his secret identity was called. Well, can't put it off anymore. Besides, it's just two kids, not like I can't deal with them. I've dealt with much more difficult stuff. Ghost hunting is not for the weak hearted. Danny thought as he reluctantly extracted himself from his warm mountain of blankets. He took off the shirt he had used as pajamas the night before, chose another shirt from his drawers, put it on, removed his sweatpants, took out a fresh pair of jeans, put them on, rummaged around his drawers for a clean pair of socks, then brushed his hair to make himself look presentable. After this, he brushed his teeth, ate a breakfast consisting of Fruit Loops(which always made him chuckle, he needed a pick-me-up, and thinking of his dear 'uncle Vlad' always did the trick) and milk. Finally, he grabbed his red and white sneakers, shoved them on his feet, and walked out the door. The first rays of dawn were peeking out from the horizon as he walked down the normally busy street. At least, he thought it was always busy; considering he'd only been here for a few days he really couldn't say anything. It wasn't chilly, on the contrary, it was pretty hot. Maybe wearing jeans wasn't the best idea. Danny thought to himself as he starting feeling overheated. They better have air conditioning... He checked his watch and saw that it was 6:25 A.M. not even close to when he had to be at the Mystery Shack. "Might as well kill some time." he muttered to himself slowing his pace until he stopped. "Then again, I could get lost... Then I'd be late..." he pondered for a bit on whether he should get there early or risk coming late. "Eh, I'll just fly or something." He shrugged as he continued to walk.

There really wasn't much to see around town, seeing as it wasn't the biggest town there was. So Danny quickly fell into the habit of walking, stopping, checking his watch, then continuing his trek as if he hadn't stopped at all. This continued several times as he waited for his watch to say 6:45 A.M. Finally after what appeared like an eternity, his digital watch showed the numbers 6:42 A.M. it wasn't 6:45, but it was close. Danny quickened his pace to a slight jog and went to his new torture-er job.

~Le Timeskip no Jutsu~

The Mystery Shack looked much quieter than it did during the day, like even it admitted it was way too early to be doing anything right now.

"Trust me, I agree." he mumbled as he went to the door and, unlike the first time, didn't hesitate to knock. He whistled for a bit as he waited for someone to answer. What he wasn't expecting who answered the door.

"S-sorry, but, uh, the M-mystery Sh-shack isn't open r-right now..."

Danny stared at the person who had opened the door and the person stared back. "Tori? What are you doing here? And why so early?! It's, like, 6 in the morning!" Danny inquired as he stared uncomprehendingly at his cousin. Tori broke into a small smile as she yawned. "Oh, see, The Pines Siblings and I played Truth or Dare, but then Dipper decided to chicken out and not do his dare so we had a sleepover instead. After that we stayed up 'til around 3 in the morning so we're all pretty tired. Except for Mabel, I'm pretty sure she never gets tired. But why are you here Danny?"

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