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This is a one shot. No, nobody requested it, I just thought that this would work for now since I have no idea how to make convincing dares or terrible truths that can be told. Hehe, Nico... *nosebleed*

No one's PoV-----------

It is dark in Gravity Falls. Of course it is, it's night time. And many people are asleep now, many, except one. Stanley Pines is his name, and he is currently watching an interesting show.

A clatter is heard in the kitchen, followed by a near silent curse. Curious, Mr. Pines walks to the doorway, step by step.

"What in the world? Did somebody break in?!" Stanley speaks to himself in a mutter, grabbing a rifle. Step. Step. Suspense is high and near tangible as he nears his kitchen to behold the most gruesome sight he has EVER seen. And he's seen some pretty whacked up stuff.

Because there, committing cannibalism, is a one-eyed triangle in a top hat, eating a bag of Doritos with a ferocity seen in most starved animals. And this strange new character that is now within this horror story, named Bill Cipher, is surrounded in the corpses of his fellow Doritos.

"Oh. Hey Pines! I'm just, ah, having a midnight snack, as humans tend to call this." The strange triangle guy says, completely ignoring the fact that he has Dorito crumbs and their blood covering his nonexistent mouth and his entire body. Stanley stares at him in shock, horror, and especially, fear at the atrocious act that the Dream Demon has done to its fellow people.

Bill saw this, wiped his hands of the Doritos lifeblood and said. "Mm, want one? I finished off all the ranch ones though, they always ticked me off for some reason. Always copying me, the little brutes. Heh~" Pines look of horror grew to terror and the poor man looked ready to throw up. An uncomfortable silence then drifted upon the two beings.

Stan points his finger and yells, "NO!!!"

Kagamine_Vivian: Ahahahahahahahah!!! Originally, Dipper was going to go to bed only to hear strange noises coming for his and Mabel's room. Assuming that Mabel or someone was doing some, ah, inappropriate things in there he slams the door open, only to find Mabel tickling Bill Cipher with a 'dream feather' as she calls it. This 'dream feather' is made from a dream catchers feather decorations they usually have, thus being imbued with a dream catchers properties. This feather either causes pleasureful pain, or a painful euforia to those that control dreams or are given prophetic dreams/nightmares.

Dipper: Again with the space-stealing?! What is wrong with you woman?!

Kagamine_Vivian: *pouts* Not my fault I have something to say!(>3<)
Tori+Mabel: Ladies ladies, no need to fight. Besides, we all know who win.
Dipper: *looks smug*

Danny: Who? Mister Bunny over there?

Tori+Mabel: Yep!

Dipper+Kagamine Vivian: Huh?!

Tori: Yeah, cuz you guys couldn't hurt a fly!^°^

Mabel: Ya gotta admit it Dipper, your not exactly the strongest or the toughest guy out there.

Dipper: Yeah, make me feel bad, why don't cha?

Kagamine_Vivian: Either way! Um, the reason I wrote this was basically because I have no idea how to make or come up with good dares or truths. Also, I thought, 'Why the Hades not?' so I did. Also, guess what?

Everyone who gives a dam: What.

Kagamine_Vivian: I'm in Battle of The Books!! XD I've never been in a competition where we read four books, study them, and get put into teams, and compete against other teams and it's tomorrow! 33K! 1'/\/\ 50 3XC1T3D!! The winning team each get a $100 Amazon gift card. I don' really care if I win cause everyone who particiates is given a $5 Barnes and Noble gift card. I'd say 'Wish me luck!' but that seems conceited for some reason, ya know? Oh well. Ja Ne~

Aug. 14, 2015.

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