Mabel's Crush of The Week. Yay (Dipper)

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   "Mabel, we're not supposed to be in here!" I whisper-yell at my sister. "Don't worry, I have everything under control, Dipper, trust me." She says, not looking back except for a second. "Last time you said that we almost died!" I shot back. "Shhh!" Mabel whisper-yelled. Great, how Mabel got me to come along, I don't know. I think back on our conversation just a few hours earlier.*****Flashback****

  "Dipper! I just had the best idea ever!" Mabel, my sister, yelled at the top of her lungs. Oh, dear. I thought to myself, When Mabel gets an idea, you know that something is going to go wrong. "Don't tell me, you found another boy you like.'' "How'd you know?" She asked, clearly dumbfounded that I knew. "Mabel, you have a new crush every week! How do you think I know!?" "Well, that doesn't matter! Right now all you have to do is help me to get him to notice me!" "Wait,'' I said,''who said I going to help you?" "I did. Du doi." Mabel said,like it was obvious. "Ugh.'' I groaned, ''this is the worst idea I have ever had in my entire life!!" I told her. "Wasn't your worst idea when you decided to make that deal with Bill the triangle guy?" She asked, smiling while I blushed furiously, saying,"He tricked me! Okay? He tricked me.'' ''Pshh, yeah right.'' She said, totally blowing me off. ''Anyway, come on!!" "I know I'm going to regret this.'' I groan.****Flashback Ended*******

     OK, so the boy we're going to get to notice me is named Gary Johnson, he is brown-haired and hazel-eyed. He loves pizza, making comedy-filled concerts at The Brook. And he absolutely loves girls with braces and their hair in a ponytail.'' She told me, explaining how he looked and what were his interests. "Again, how do you know this?!?" ''I have many sources that you may never know, Dipper.'' She said mysteriously, or as mysterious as Mabel can be. ''Ooh! There he is.'' She whisper-yelled. ''Just look at that hair.'' Mabel practically drooled all over me. I looked at the boy she was staring at and I just didn't get why she always, always, went for guys who were either out of her league, like Gary, who had light and dark drown hair with light hazel eyes, or were from a supernatural world, like Mermando or some other ex of hers. ''Seriously, Mabel,'' I said, kind of irked at her,''When are you going to stop crushing on every boy you meet?" ''Dipper, Dipper,'' she tutted in a patronizing tone,''I will never stop until I find the perfect boy. So come on!"

  I'm not going to tell you all the gory details as I'm still traumitized. The gist is this:  Mabel 'tripped' in front of him, he caught her, they talked, she asked if he wanted to go to the movies with her or something, he declined, saying he already had a girlfriend, and Mabel started stuttering and saying that it was fine that she'd just ask someone else. Then she walked back to me with the saddest face I had ever seen her with. ''Come on,'' she said looking so sad she could break a mirror,''let's go back to the Mystery Shack.'' ''Y-yeah.'' I said, kinda stunned that she looked so down. We walked in silence until we go to the front door of the Mystery Shack that I spoke up, ''H-hey Mabel?" ''Yeah Dipper?" I looked her in the eyes and said, ''You're way too good for him.'' She broke out smiling and said, ''You're right.'' ''Of course I am, aren't I always?" I said jokingly. ''PSH, yeah right, I'm right sometimes too.'' She said. ''Yeah, but I'm right most of the time.'' I countered. We could go forever so we decided to let it go, for now.

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