Traitors! All of You!

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   Okay, this has taken me a long time to write, not because I was lazy or because Writer's Block struck again, but because I actually had too many ideas to put into this. Hope you all enjoy~! Hola Roma~!  )3(>.<)

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    That morning, all the Fenton's were asleep, or at least half awake. Tori  somehow managed to pull herself together after pulling an all-nighter after watching anime all the time, so this was no different. Danny, he was tired and kinda grumpy, but than again, he wasn't much of a morning person.  Dani, she... wasn't any better, but at least she didn't trudge around and grumble about her sleeping habits. That would have been bad, seeing as she was currently living with Tori and Tori's dad had no idea. Jazz, like Tori, somehow managed to pull herself together, but only because she sometimes stayed up late studying for big tests or the like.

Mabel and Dipper had no idea why they hadn't been included, but didn't really mind. Well, Mabel minded, but only because she had wanted to pull an all-nighter too. Dipper only minded because he felt like the Fenton's didn't trust his sister and him enough with the 'sensitive information' of the Fenton thermos which was odd, seeing as he himself had been given the blueprints to the Fenton thermos. That just made him feel more indignant. Although he had been working on the Fenton thermos for quite some time and having to work on something else would have only hindered him.

They all sat in the living room, which, admittedly, wasn't very large.

"Heh, sorry guys." Tori said, nervously running the back of her neck. "We got so caught up with Dani showing up, and we'd only just come up with the idea, so we kinda got carried away."

"Yeah sure, no problem." Sighed Dipper, didn't they trust his sister and him? "Anyway, what'd you manage to make?"

The eyes of Tori and Jazz glittered in excitement.

"Oh, we managed to make about seven for all of us, Tucker included for when he gets here." Jazz said, voice assertive. She was confident that they could hold their own for awhile, but--along with that--she felt that something wasn't what it seemed. What it was, she had no idea.


Crash. A building could be heard as it had a part blown off. Boom. Something exploded.

"What was that?" Tori asked, running to the window in the kitchen.

"Don't know, but I have the feeling we're about to." Dipper said, running next to her.

"Come on, Pine Tree." A voice goaded tauntingly.  "You aren't scared, are you? Shooting Star~ I know you'll show up."

Everyone froze, most of the group knew that voice. But although Jazz had never heard the voice, even she could sense that the owner of that voice had never known mercy, it had never had compassion, it had never been benevolent. It was pure evil, 100%.

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Bill hated how all the ghosts seemed to think they were his equals. It didn't make sense in the dream demon's eyes, how could these undead beings be equal to him? He had practically infinite power, he had intellect, (which was something many of the ghosts lacked) and, he was manipulative. You couldn't manipulate the master manipulator, no, the master manipulator manipulated you.

Bill lounged on his throne, rallying his troops. Really they were just most, if not all, the ghosts from the Ghost Zone. Even so, the number was impressive.

"Alright!" Bill called out, standing up. "Today is the day! The day we bring down the Pines Siblings and that annoying halfa!"

Always play others' weaknesses to your advantage. He thought to himself, mentally smirking.

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