An Explantion? I Think Not. Maybe

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        A/N Who likes my drawing of Bill? :)

      *Richard's voice*

  WOOHOO!! That's what I'm talking about! Cool teamwork, uh, whoever you guys are!!" A pause then, "Wait, Tori?!"

Uh oh, I am so dead.

#############Present Time###
I did this starting at Tori's PoV 'cuz... I.. Felt like it...? I dunno. Enjoy. :/


   What do I do? What do I do?! Mabel is coming straight towards me and Danny! With her brother, which, admittedly, isn't so bad, except that Danny is in Ghost form and how will I explain that?!

"Tori? Do you guys know each other? And I saw you that other time too!!"
  Danny and I share a look that literally says 'What do we do?'.

  "Um, well, we kinda know each other because, um, he.. Is..-" I stutter, trying to think of an explanation. Keyword: Trying. Hey, I may be smart, but I'm no genius.

  Then Danny swoops in.
  "She's my partner!"
We all look at him. Mabel blinks. Her brother blinks. I blink. Then my senses jumpstart.

  "Oh yeah! See, before I moved here I met Danny here, and he's got really cool superpowers! He and I would put any supernaturals back where they belonged and made sure our old hometown was safe. Kinda like what you guys do." I fib or give them half-truths so that I don't feel too guilty. I mean, most of it was true, just some parts were omitted or tweeked a bit to fit my 'explanation' better. Dipper looks kind of sceptical but doesn't press any more. Mabel looks like my explanation made sense to some degree.
  "Oh~! Why didn't you just say so?"
She then turned to Danny and said,
  "My name's Mabel, and this is my brother Dipper."
Danny looks at her then outstretched his hand and says,
   "Hi, my name's Danny. Danny Phantom."

Mabel and him shake hands. Then she turns to me.

  "So Tori! What'cha doing here? Going to help Danny defeat more supernaturals? Can Dips and I help?! Oh please? Pleasepleaseplease?"

  "Woah! Hold up! We don't always have supernaturals to beat! So maybe next time?"
I laugh as I stop her from asking anymore. We can't have them know about Danny's secret. They might tell. So I'm gonna have to lie and say some things to keep her away a bit, just thinking about it makes me feel guilty. I never liked lying too much, especially if it was my friend. But it's to keep her and her brother safe, just for that. Nothing to feel guilty for. Say, Dipper's being awfully quiet. I glance his way.

   He's staring at Danny and I, checking for some type of change in our personalities or if we start acting strange. D'arvit, he's smart. I hope Danny's acting is better than mine, otherwise I won't be able to cover for us both. Luckily, Danny was acting like himself and Dipper seemed sort of satisfied that we weren't gonna stab them or something. Why would I do that? I mean, if they were titans then yeah, I would, but still!

"Hey Mabel?" I ask tentatively.

"Yeah? What is it Tori? Ya see a supernatural?!" Mabel asks excitedly.

"Ah, no." I say bluntly making Mabel deflate before my eyes. "I was just wondering, can I come over now? I'm sure Danny's busy, so can I?"

Mabel immediately looked happier. "Yeah! Here, wait a sec, hey Dips!"

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