One Shot

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Don't kill me!! Please!! I'm-a just-a Tomato Fairy!! But I decided that I would-a write a one shot for-a today-a!! So please please please please don't hurt-a me~!!!


Dang it Italy!! Go possess your brother Romano! Maybe then he'll cuddle with me!!

Italy: Ve~ But-a it is-a funny seeing you act-a like me.

Well, uh, go talk to Germany about pasta!

Italy: Ah! What a wonderful idea! Ve~ Germany, Germany!<runs off>

<mutters> Finally. Second time I've been possessed today. First by Can of da and now Italy!

Canada: In my defense, you agreed...

Who said that?!... Oh, hello Canada...

Canada: H-hello Spain. Nice day, eh?

Yeah, a little chilly, but not too bad.

Canada: Well I gotta go... Mr. Kumajiji needs to eat...

Oh, well bye!
<Canada leaves>

So many interruptions... Might as well put this as the one shot, no?.... Nah.

Onward!! To Akania!!!<points in wrong direction>

That way!!<points in other direction>


Setting: Quebec, Canada

It was just another world meeting, and as usual, nothing was getting done...

"YOU BLOODY WANKER! You put a spider in my cup of tea, didn't you!?!"

Somewhere in the distance(across the table) a Scottish man sits, laughing at the misunderstanding.

"Now why would I do zhat?"

"Germany, Germany! Do you-a think that-a we can have-a pasta today?"

"I still think genetically engineering a superhero to save the world is a good idea, who agrees?"

"I agree with America-san."

"You don't have to agree with everything that idiot says, Japan!!"

"Ohonhonhon, perhaps you don't want him agreeing to something else?"

"You Bloody Frog! What are you getting at?!"

"Zhat you, mon ami, l-"


"Germany?" Everyone looked at said country. Said country was confused. "Vhat are jou all looking at me for? I didn't say anyzhing."

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