My Sister Throws a Hissy Fit(Danny)

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The drive was pretty boring, but annoying Jaz is always a plus. ''Are we there yet, are we there yet?'' I repeat over and over next to Jaz's ear. ''For the last time Danny, we not there yet. Now can you please stop asking that?'' She knew I wasn't going to stop. This was the first time that we ever went where I wanted to go(alright it was more like three to one, 'cause my parents wanted to come too, but still) instead of her so I wanted to rub it in real good. ''Are we there yet, are we there yet?'' I ask as Jaz groans and says she has to go to the bathroom. I sit satisfied I bothered her enough for now, when I hear screaming and yelling in the bathroom, at first I think it's a ghost but then I realize it's just Jaz throwing a tantrum. ''GAH!! OH, HE THINK HE'S SO GREAT JUST BECAUSE WE'RE GOING WHERE HE WANTS TO!! AHHHH!! ARGHHHH!!'' I smile and yell loud enough for Jaz to hear me,''Yeah, I feel sooo awesome I'm practically dying of how awesome I am!" ''ARGHH!!!!!'' "Hahaha, okay O'm gonna go call Sam and Tucker." I tell my parents as Jaz walks out of the bathroom looking a little better, but not by much. "Okay Danny, but be quick we're almost there." My mom said."Yeah, okay.''

"Hey guys." "Hey Danny! How are you? Are you there yet? How is it there?" They ask at the same time. "Guys, guys! Your not letting me say anything! First of all, we're not there yet and second of all, I don't know how it is, because I'm not there yet!!" "Okay, but you'll tell us when you do get there, right?" Sam asked me. "Yeah you Will tell us, won't you,Danny?" Tucker asked right after her. "Of course, what are friends for?" "Danny come on we've got a break from being in this dumb jeep, now come on!" I hear Jaz yell, obviously still mad. "Alright, I'm coming. Bye guys, I'll tell you what it's like!" "Bye!"

Staying in that vehicle for so long was really getting on my nerves. "Well, at least we're here now. And without any ghost attacks." I mutter to myself, pleased. BANG. "I am the Box Ghost Ruler of All Containers Square and Cardboard! BEWARE!" "I spoke too soon." I groan,"Well, the Box Ghost isn't that hard to beat."

___________________________________________________________________________ A/N Sorry It Took So Long To Update. I'll Try To Update Every Two To Three Days. Bye!

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