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Why was he feeling this sense of dread? He couldn't shake this feeling that someone or something had become much more important. A choice had become the thing that could tip the balance in their favour.
So why did he feel nervous about something that could only bring good news?

Dipper couldn't figure it out, and his visions weren't nearly as clear as Tori's.

"So." Said a ghost with lanky hair and rather sloppy clothes as he rode on his motorcycle.

"What's the plan, Kitty?"

It was then that Dipper noticed that there was a female ghost sitting behind him. She rolled her eyes ar the other ghost.

"We're planning on-"

Unfortunately, the vision changed before he could hear anything else.

A small child, no older than Mabel or him, was flying towards a town. Dipper realized that the child was a girl that looked a lot like Danny.

So this is Danny's clone. He thought to himself.

"Almost there." The girl panted.

Almost there? Thought Dipper happily. That's great!

Suddenly, in the middle of Dipper's revelry, the girl- Dani was it?- had glided down and landed on the roof of a building.

No! Dipper wanted to shout. Get up, please! We don't have too much left! We need you here!

"Can't keep going." Dani panted, as if she had heard Dipper's pleas And was answering them.

"Splitting into so many copies wore me out, then I had to make up the time it took me to bypass those ghosts, and now I'm completely worn out." Her breathing was laboured.

That's true. Dipper admitted. If she's too tired to fight with us she won't be of much use. But then, how long will it take for her to get here?

Dani's mouth opened, but before she could say anything, his vision changed.

This time Dipper was in a car and right next to him was who he assumed to be Tucker Foley, their other reinforcements.

"Come on come on." Tucker muttered under his breath as he looked out the window.

"Hurry up. We've gotta get there soon!"

Dipper could hear the anxiety in Tucker's voice.

What's taking you so long? He wanted to scream. You're not being attacked by ghosts like Dani, so what's holding you up?!

He soon got his answer.

Just then, Tucker's parents came in.

"Well," said Tucker's father happily. "That nice woman said that if we turn at the next exit to the left we should get there in about two to three days."

"No, dear." Said Tucker's mother.

"She said turn right."

Tucker's dad looked shocked. "Really? I could have sworn she said left."

Tucker groaned softly.

"How about we just go the original way instead? It'd probably be much shorter. Plus you might not get lost as often." The last part was muttered under Tucker's breath.

Get lost? Thought Dipper. How would you get lost? And why does it sound like they get lost more often than usual?

Tucker's mom chuckled nervously.

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