Gravity Falls is to fall for! (Danny)

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   "We're here!" Mom yelled. We can hear you, ya know! I thought to myself as we get out of the van. ''Ah, just smell that forest-y air. Oh! And with just the right tint of ghostlyness in it too!" My dad said, or in his case, yelled. ''Well, this is the address so you kids don't get lost, and go and have some fun or get unpacked. While I dust off my rock collection.'' Jaz said, as bossily as ever might I add. ''Yeah, yeah you go do that while I go and see if I can find something to do.'' I said boredly. I'll talk to Sam and Tucker after that. I thought to myself happily. Hmm, what to do, what to do? Oh! A game store! Perfect, I can see if I can find a good game!

****Time Skip******(cause I'm too lazy)******

    Ahh. The arcade. The life blood of all teens. Ooh! A video game store! I ran to the front door and opened it.  ''Mmm, well, it's not the most video game filled store I've ever seen, but it'll do.'' I said to myself.  ''Dipper come on! I wanna get Unicorns and Glitter Rescue 2! Please please please please!" ''Mabel, we can't get Unicorns and Glitter Rescue 2, we don't have enough money.  You know how cheap Grunkle Stan is.'' I heard two kids talking on wether they could or couldn't get a video game.  They seemed about thirteen(A/N in this Dipper and Mabel are thirteen. It's for the plot:))? And I think they were twins.  I'll leave them to their bickering, I gotta find myself something to playI thought to myself. Hmm no, got that one, uh no, Sam told me that that one wasn't worth it. No, no, n- YES! That's it! ''Oh man, Jump to the end of the Earth and Back 3!! I thought it didn't exist!" I exclaimed. ''Yeah, that's one of the last ones.'' Said the lady by the counter. ''Yep, definitely, this game is the one for me.'' I said, barely able to contain my excitement.  ''Alright, that'll be $30.50." ''What?!?! I only have a twelve dollar bill!"  I exclaimed.  ''Too bad kid, but I can keep it on hold 'til you get the money for it.''  Aaw man, Mom and Dad'all never let me, but I've got to ask''O-okay. I-I will.''  I muttered, I have to get that money! But first, I gotta ask Mom and Dad first!

*******Another Time Skip*******I'm so lazy****;)********

     ''Mom! Dad! I gotta ask you a question!'' I yelled as I ran through the door of our small two story house/cabin. ''What is it Danny?,'' mom said, ''You know we're a little busy. Jack! I need an ecto-transmitter!" ''Coming right up Maddie!" Dad yelled. 'Thank you, Jack. Now Danny, what was your question?" ''Uh, well, I stuttered,trying to think of how I would say this, ''uh, I found this video game and-'' ''Stop right there Danny.'' Jaz said. ''I know exactly what you want to ask Mom and Dad. You want to ask for money.'' ''N-yes that's exactly what I was going to ask.'' I said, not surprised that Jaz geussed right. She was the smartest kid in school. ''Oh, Danny.'' Mom said, ''of course we'll lend you some money, within reason of course.'' ''Right, um, it's not that much really. Uh, just $30.50." I said real fast. ''WHAT!?!?" Crap, just what I thought. ''I'm sorry Danny, but $30.50 is way too much.'' Mom said apologeticly. ''Your mother's right, Danny.'' Dad said sternly. ''Your going to have to earn the money yourself.'' ''How am I supposed to do that? Get a summer job?" I said annoyingly. ''What a wonderful idea Danny.'' Jaz exclaimed. ''That way, you can learn about the values of money and hard work while getting a video game you really want.'' ''I agree with Jaz. You need to learn how to work for the things you really want.'' Mom said. Yeah, it's always Jaz is right this and Jaz is right that. It's so annoying! ''Yeah, alright.'' I said dejectedly, ''I'll just, go call Sam and Tucker.'' ''You go do that, Sweetheart.'' Mom said, trying to cheer me up. ''Whatever.'' I said to myself as I walked up the stairs.

   ''Danny! How is it there? Have you been attacked by ghosts yet? Are there any pretty girls? Did you find anything interesting?" Cue the questions. ''Guys, guys. Slow down, I can't answer that many questions!" I exclaimed. 'Sorry Danny' was the reply. ''Alright, let's see, uh it's pretty nice, and yes I have been attacked but it was real easy to defeat the ghost, no I haven't seen any cute girls yet so I can't really answer that question and, oh and this is the best part. Guess what I found in the video game stores they have here.'' ''What?" Sam asked. ''Yeah, Danny. Tell us.'' ''I saw Jump to the End of the World and Back 3!" ''No way!'' They gasped at the same time. ''Yes, way!" ''Did you get it?'' ''Is it really as gory as they said it was going to be?'' ''I thought it didn't exist!" ''Slow down guys! No, I didn't get it ,and I don't know if it really is as gory as they say it is, and yeah, I thought it didn't exist either, but apparently it had been published but then they stopped. That game is one of a few that made it past creating. But, it's $30.50 and my 'rents won't lend me the money.'' ''That's terrible!" Tucker said or yelled. ''And that's not even the worst part. Jaz had the brilliant idea of me getting a summer job!'' ''No! Say it isn't so!" Tucker exclaimed. ''Well, I'm sure there's no way out of it, so you better start looking fora summer job that'll get you enough money for that video game.'' Sam said matter of factly. ''Hmm, something easy, where you won't have to worry about breaking anything.'' Sam speculated. ''Yeah, and where you can use their food as a snack when your hungry.'' Tucker added. ''Exactly, something like...Babysitting!" Sam yelled satisfied. ''What?! But what happens if I have to take care of a baby? I don't know how to do that!'' I said, panicking. Taking care of toddlers was not on my to-do list! ''Don't worry, Danny most of the time help wanted posters for babysitters usually have the age for the kid you going to babysit.'' Tucker said. He does usually know what he's talking about. ''Yeah, besides you do want that video game, don't you?" Sam sided with Tucker. ''Mmm, oh alright fine. You win.'' ''Danny! Dinnertime!" Jaz yelled from the bottom of the steps. ''Coming!'' I yelled down the steps. ''Bye guys! Talk to you later!'' ''Bye Danny! Remember, it's all for the video game.'' They said together before logging off. I hate having to do jobs that involve the care of  a kid. I sighed as I trudged down the stairs. That really didn't make me feel any better.... Well, at least I had an idea of how to get the money.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Dun Dun Dun! Haha! Finally updated!
Uzumaki_Chocolate: Finally! Oh it's sooooooooooo good to feel the satisfaction of writing a new chapter for all of my fellow fan people. I also tried to write a longer chappie than my others.
Danny: Wait... Wasn't your name Wilco?...
Uzumaki_Chocolate: It was but now it isn't!;) How many of u noticed it?? XD
Danny: Ohh. That makes sense.
Dipper: Again, Who Are You People!!??!?!?
Danny: Hey... Weren't you the one arguing with some girl about getting a video game?
Uzumaki_Chocolate: Not this again! Dipper go away! >:0
Dipper: :,(( * poofs away*
Uzumaki_Chocolate: I don't own anything!! 4|\|D 4G41|\| |-|3R3 15 T|-|3 L33T SP34K F0R T|-|3 C|-|4PT3R. 4L50, 1 L0V3 C|-|0C0L4T3!!

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