It's Not Stalking!! It's Research!! (Candi)

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     Alright! This is chapter what? 12?? Uumm... Let's go with 13!! K?? K. Now, for the MORE pressing matters, I Do Not, and Never Will, Own Gravity Falls nor Danny Phantom. Unfortunately. >.< I'm so sad and mad that I don't, I could do da Coffee Table Flip!!!!! />. Now, On With Da Story!!!! (Did anyone catch the Soul Eater reference?????)


             After that, uh, disasterious stake-out mission, we reported our findings to Mabel. Well, we had to find her first. ''Hey Candi?" Grenda asked once we were a safe distance from the target. ''Y-yes?" I weeze out. Hey, I wasn't in the best condition for running after having been in a tiny bush for twenty-thirty minutes. ''How likely do you think it is that he'll remember us?" ''Hopefully,'' I start, ''not very.''

********Time Skip ****

            ''Alright, what were your findings on the subject?" Mabel asked once we went to her house. I stepped up to her 'office', which was really just her bed with the word 'office' on it and said, ''His name's Danny. We heard his sister call him Danny, but we don't know his last name.'' Then Grenda spoke up, ''We do know that he's looking for a summer job. And from the looks of it, he's single.'' Mabel looked pleased with the last statement. ''Good good. Anything else?" Grenda looked at me. The look in her eyes clearly said, 'You tell her'. ''Uhm, well, you see Mabel, before we could find anything else about him he discovered us in the bushes we were hiding in.'' ''Well? Did you tell him what you were doing? You know that could make it harder for you guys to find out anything else about him. Like if he likes girls with braces and a glitter addiction.'' Mabel demanded. ''No.'' I said, pleased that she wasn't upset with us for being found out, but for jeopardizing her chances of dating him. ''But he thinks we're stalking him.'' I state.  ''WHAT?!?!" She exclaimed. ''How can he think that!?! It's not stalking!! IT'S RESEARCH!!!'' "'Yeah, well he doesn't think so.'' Grenda snorts. ''Besides, how do we even know he'll like ya? He might like glitter-addicted girls with braces, but that won't guarantee he'll be attracted.'' Wow, I think that's the most sensible thing I've heard today. ''I'm sure it's meant to be!" Annnnd there went all sensibility. Sigh. ''Alright, you are dismissed. For now, I will study the subject. Shoo!"_______________#______##_________#
I sighed as we were pushed out of Mabel's 'office.' We were now out of business, officially. But, I wasn't sad. No, if Mabel was now studying the 'subject' herself, that meant that she was interested in him. ''I'm glad." I whispered as I looked down at the ground. "I am." I said again to the air.############;##########:########
Uzumaki_Chocolate: Yeah! Another chappie in the bag!! Whoooo!
Dipper: Geez woman... You're really loud!
Mabel: Dipper don't be rude! You never know what a woman will do to you!
Dipper: B-but she's not h-hurting me, so I don't see why I have to apologise!
Mabel: Because! How do you know she's not plotting your death!
Uzumaki_Chocolate: ......slowly, and without anyone noticing an evil aura starts coming.....
Danny: Umm... I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but why not just ask?
Mabel: Great idea! Hey Uzumaki_Chocolate, um, you weren't, uh, offended, by what my bro said, right?
Uzumaki_Chocolate: ....evil aura starts swirling around her.... What... Did.. You... Say..
Dipper: U-uh um, she asked if you were offended by my saying you were extremely loud??
Uzumaki_Chocolate: ..... You dare..... Ask me that.... When you CLEARLY KNOW THAT SOMETHING LIKE THAT CAN REALLY TICK ME OFF!!!! ARRRRGGGGGH!!!!!
Danny, Dipper, and Mabel: U-uh, c-calm down Chocolate, eheheheh, please save us...
Uzumaki_Chocolate: Haha haha, got ya!! Hahahahaahaha
All: WHAT!!!!
Uzumaki_Chocolate: Yeah, that was just a joke. I wanted to see how powerful my aura could be. Hehe.
Kyoko: I've rubbed off on you, haven't I?
Uzumaki_Chocolate: Yeah... You have... Hehe. Anyway, you don't belong in this story so shoo!
Kyoko: Oh, okay. *proofs away*
Dipper: Um, anyway, Vote!
Mabel: Comment!
Danny: Love!
Uzumaki_Chocolate: Bye! And yeah, I got hooked on Skip Beat!. It's awesome! And funny! BY3! \/\/0/\/D3R \/\/HY TH3 5KY 15 BLU3!!#

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