New Stories

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Don_Spain: As you all know, I am writing new stories. What you don't know is that some are NOT going to be written, or at least, not the way I had originally stated.

Marth: Harry Potter and The Twin Professors is going to actually be called Albus Potter and The Twins of Mischief(name may change, this is not a solid fact) and Ghostly Friends, Half-Blood Buddies.

Jess: Remember Me, Notice Me is already published, so go take a look if you want Canadia noticed! Note: Part of a chapter disappeared so one part doesn't really make sense. D'arvit!!

Don_Spain: And recently, I have decided to write my own story(not a fanfic) called Iced Heart, again, the name is not yet certain to be 'Iced Heart'.

---Iced Heart is about a boy named Jackson Jorgensen, a cold person with a slightly warmer heart. When he enters Tenth grade strange things start to happen. Jackson comes to find that a centuries-old being has finally awakened; with a grudge against the Jorgensen family and a plan for eternal winter. Only Jackson can stop this being, but will he be able to find it within himself to save a planet that has never even cared for him? Or will he leave the world to a new Ice Age? Can acquaintances help him?-- That is kind of a summary of what Iced Heart is about. On to the other ones!

---Albus Potter and The Twins of Mischief is about how two muggleborn friends who are siblings in everything but blood. They are also mischievious, causing problems in the orphanage in which they live. On their eleventh year, Headmistress Minerva Mcgonagoll HERSELF goes to tell them that they are a witch and wizard, and so must go to Hogwarts to learn to control their magic. There, the two cause no end of mischief; but not the wizard way:  The Muggle way. Come and see how the golden trio's children(plus a certain Malfoy) take to these children, watch as muggleborns FINALLY get the limelight. Hopefully, no one's father will hear about any of this.--- And that is, quite obviously, Albus Potter and The Twins of Mischief. It centers mostly around our muggleborn protagonists and, as the title says, Albus Severus Potter. WHAT'S NEXT?!

---Ghostly Friends, Half-Blood Buddies is the prequel to this book. In it,  Danny is completely human(remember, this is BEFORE his parents build the Ghost Portal) and Percy is seventeen(so after The Second Giant War). They meet, have fun, run into a few friends(Danny is going to be SO bored with Annabeth), and have a few secrets being kept. Or are they?--- This is a summary(sucky one at that) of Ghostly Friends, Half-Blood Buddies. As you can see, the name is a misnomer. There are NO ghosts in this story, just monsters(or lack of). But Percy will still have someone to enjoy talking to as he and Annabeth ready themselves for college. Who knows, maybe Solangelo will show up once in a while. *wink wink*

Jess: What? Do you have something in your eye?

Don_Spain: No, I'm just winking. (-_-)"

Jess: Oh, okay.

Marth: Sometimes I worry over your intelligence level.

Jess: Funny, sometimes I worry over yours as well. Or rather, your lack of intelligence.

Marth: Ha! If I lacked intelligence, Spain would be dead!

Jess: Ha Hah! Spain cannot die, that shows just how much you know!

Marth: Ha ha hah! But Spain can be out into a temporary death, thus proving me right to some extent.

Jess: Yes, but technically speaking you are still wrong.

Marth: But at the same time, I am right.

Don_Spain: Gee, ¿how long did it take for you to come to THAT conclusion?

Marth: Hey! Are you saying I'm slow?

Don_Spain: Why should I have to say it? You already did it for me.

Jess:  Spain's got you there.

Marth: You're not supposed to agree! 0A0

Jess: Eh, I agree with whomever I want to.

Marth: Rude. Tch, whatever, I'm leaving. *pushes button and falls through trapdoor* NOT AGAINNNNnnnnnnnnn!!!

Jess: We should really label those buttons.

Don_Spain: Yeah we should. Hey, you want a chocolate malt?

Jess: Sure.

Don_Spain: *pushes a button*

Jess: *gets sucked up into a travelling tube* DUDE, WHAT THE ACTUAL HADESSSSssssss?!?!?

Don_Spain: Oops. ('~') Ah well, might as well eat the tomato supply in here. *pulls lever and moves away on water slide* WRONG LEVERRRRRrrrrrr!!

~Spain, A.K.A Antonio Fernández-Carriedo


08:08 A.M.

Wordcount: 755

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