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Once morning came, Tori made sure she arrived at the Mystery Shack early. She knew she had to warn the others, because if they weren't prepared they were as good as dead.

________Le TimeSkip Brought to You by France________

Tori burst through the door, not even bothering to knock; and completely startling everyone, who was still asleep.

"Woah! Tori?! What are you doing here at 7:00 in the morning?!" Danny complained, rubbing his head. He had fallen off of the couch he had been sleeping on. Mabel came in, yawning. "What's goin' on?" She yawned, rubbing her eye. Mabel blinked as she noticed the panicked look on Tori's face. "Tori, is something wrong?"

Tori shook, "If finding out that Bill sent someone or something to stall our reinforcements isn't bad, then tell me what is."

"WHAT?!" Mabel and Danny yelled. Dipper walked in, eyes still drowsy with sleep. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing-"

"Just that-"

"Bill has-"

"Sent distractions-"


Mabel and Danny spoke simultaneously, causing Tori and Dipper to look back and forth, like a ping pong game, between the two until Dipper got fed up.

"Stop!" he exclaimed, waving his arms around.

"You guys aren't making sense! What is Bill doing?"

Tori managed to calm her nerves and said, "He's making sure we don't get help."

The sentence hung in the air, making the living room 10 degrees colder. Dipper laughed nervously,

"You're kidding, right?"

Tori's stony expression told him they weren't.

"Of course you're not." Dipper sighed. "But how do you know?" He asked, suspicious of how Tori knew.

Tori seemed trustworthy enough, but how could Dipper know if it was just an act, get to know them, then stab them in the back? Dipper wouldn't risk it.

"Y-You guys haven't been having any weird dreams, have you?" Tori asked, scared that Bill was trying to take control of her during the night. If that was the case, she wouldn't be able to fall asleep, and that wasn't good. Without sleep, Tori's brain functions might become slow, make her paranoid, or she might just fall asleep during the day.

What if that's what Bill wants? Tori thought. Make you sleep-deprived, then strike! But then, what would be a good countermeasure? A dream catcher?

Tori mentally snorted. A dream catcher might work with a weaker dream demon, but she wasn't sure about Bill.

Dipper froze as he heard Tori's question. Weird dreams? Check. Both Tori and Dipper were having weird dreams, but judging with Danny and Mabel's facial expressions, it was just Dipper and Tori.

"No, I haven't had weird dreams." Mabel said, shrugging. Danny nodded.

"Me neither. How about you, Dipper?" he turned towards Dipper. Dipper hesitated, then nodded.

"Yeah, I have... But why just Tori and I? Why not you two as well?"

Tori thought for a bit, then looked up at them.

"I think I know a person who might know why."

Danny groaned, "Don't tell me. Jazz?"

Tori nodded, "I know she's more logical, but maybe she might know why only two of us are having weird dreams."

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