I Have To Take Care Of Who?!(Danny)

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       Alrighty! This is the next chapter in Our Babysitter Is A Ghost?! And here is the winner of the 'How Old Am I? Contest'! And the winner is....drum roll please....

MIDNIGHT_PROMISE!! XD Congradulations Midnight_Promise! This chapter is dedicated to you! As promised, your character will be added to this story. And here is Midnight_Promise's character's background.

Name: Tori

Age: 15

Relation to character(s): Is Danny's cousin. She knows his secret and is a ghost hunter, but she is nice to Danny.

Habits: Is shy around people at first but opens up quickly. She is also into many fandoms, so she might say something having to do with a fandom and will randomly say anything. Ex: Bleh, yahoo, or mahoo! Will also zone out often, plays the guitar, reads comics(these are more like pass-times;)), because she is allergic to pollen, she sneezes, a lot.

Appearance: Has long black hair with red highlights, a black tank top like Ember's, a red skirt with a red belt with a skull belt buckle, and grey boots like Ember. (A/N I might've missed somethimg), she wears a choker with a purple(fetish) mixed with red heart hanging from a chain, wears red lipstick and black mascara.

Weight: Pretty average.

Alright! Now that you all know Tori, it's time to bring her to life!! How? Why, by writing and reading this next chapter of course! Just so you all know, I never could've written this or be getting this far without you all! So, without further ado, ARIGATO GOZAIMASU!!!!*

P.S. I don't own Danny Phantom or Gravity Falls.


After having defeated, uh, whoever it was (*Cough* Gideon *cough*), I went to the Mystery Shack to apply for the babysitting job. Huh, funny, I thought to myself, I thought it was Mystery Shack, not Mystery Hack! I laughed at my thought. The letter 'S' on the front seemed to have fallen off, making it look like'Hack'. Cling ring. The bell rang as I entered the store. As I walked in someone yelled, "Move!" "Gyaah!" I grunted, as I fell over I grabbed onto a rack with panther and puma shirts hung on it.(Hahaha panther shirt, or puma shirt?) Unfortunately, the rack isn't sturdy enough to hold the combined weight of me and whoever ran into me. "Ugh," I groan as I try to get up. "Whoever you are, you should watch where you're-" I started as I looked to see who had broken their fall by using me as a pillow(admittedly, it was an accidental usage of me as a pillow, but still!) when I noticed who it was. "N-no way." I stuttered, it was unbelievable! "T-tori?! Is that you?!" This was incredible! The only other person, who, by the way, is a ghost hunter, and my cousin, is here in Gravity Falls! "U-uh, y-yes that's me." Came the shyish reply, but not for long. "W-who- DANNY?! Oh my Gods! It's really you! What are you doing here?! Where's Jaz? How're Uncle Jack and Aunt Maddie doing?? Tell me-" I covered her mouth as soon as I was overwhelmed by questions. "Okay, okay! I can't answer that many questions at the same time!" I say exasperated. My cousin could be a real handful sometimes. Yeah, you heard me, cousin. Tori is my cousin from my mom's side of the family. Her older brother is also into the whole 'Let's hunt ghosts for a living' thing; ironically, that ambition was passed down to my fandom nerd cousin, Tori. "Anyway, how come you're here in Gravity Falls?" I asked, curious as to why she was here. She looked shocked and amused as she said, "You don't know?" "Know what?" I asked, not seeing what was so amusing. "That I live here."
Dun dun dun!! Cliffy! Hahaha no, not really. Keep scrolling or paging.
WAIT!! I almost forgot to tell you! Up there is a picture of Tori. Now, before I am accused of anything, I drew it. And that is only how I imagined Tori would look like.
  Okay, now keep scrolling, or paging.

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