Unknown Allies

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The ghost Youngblood was many things. Pirate, Cowboy, Ghost. But what he wasn't was a little helper.

He strained to carry the raft that held the sleeping clone aloft.

"Why do I always get the menial jobs?" He complained to himself. "I bet it's 'cause I'm the most adorable and awesome ghost." He nodded as he reassured himself, then he exhaled heavily, "But she weighs a ton!"

___Line Break___

Ember knew how to win over any female, so she had Youngblood go and help that halfa's clone get to Gravity Falls because he was the youngest looking ghost, and he was the closest to the clone's physical age.

Plus, he annoyed her sometimes with his pirate get up. And his cowboy costume too.

___Line Break___

Dani hadn't slept so well in days; in fact, when she woke up she found out she'd slept the entire rest of the way to Gravity Falls.

She rubbed her eyes as she felt herself touchdown on solid ground. Youngblood exhaled heavily and landed behind her, flecks of ectoplasmic sweat peppering his face.

"Dang it, halfa! You weigh more than my horse!"  He exclaimed, laying down.

"You're exaggerating a bit, aren't you?" Dani asked, sweatdropping. She did not weigh more than a horse!

"Maybe a little, but really! I didn't expect you to sleep the whole way!" He agreed, throwing his hands up at the end.

Dani shrugged, "What can I say? I was tired."

Youngblood huffed, he really didn't like the halfa or the halfa's clone.

"Just make sure you don't tell your friends that we're helping you." He cautioned, if Bill found out, the ghosts' plan would be futile.

Dani raised an eyebrow. "Why not? Shouldn't my friends know that you guys are helping?"

Youngblood facepalmed. "No, you sorry excuse of a sentient being! If they knew, Bill would find out! He can visit you in your dreams, and your friends are bound to think about us being your allies!"

Dani made an 'O' with her mouth. "Oh."

Youngblood deadpanned at that. Oh?! The rest of the ghosts, along with him, were risking their chance of having free reign over the Human Realm and this clone could only say 'Oh'?!

"You know what? I'm leaving before your 'cousin' tries stuffing me inside his thermos." He said, turning invisible and flying away. Ember owed him big-time.

Dani shrugged and quickly flew away,  making sure to be invisible. Seeing a flying person would not be a good thing.

Then she realized she has no idea where to look for her 'cousins'.

Ugh. She thought, facepalming. I couldn't have asked for the location from Tori, could I?

How could she find out where to go if she didn't know where to even begin looking?

"I should go check out Tori's house first." Dani said to herself, quickly changing direction and landing, she was pretty close to Tori's address anyway, and transformed back into her human self.

She walked up to the door of the small square building and knocked. "Hello? Anyone home?" She called, hoping someone would anwser.

"Hmm, where could she be?" Dani wondered, she knew she was early, so maybe Tori wasn't home at the moment.

"I'll just wait for her here then."  She decided, turning intangible and walking in, she looked around, spotting a staircase, a kitchen, a door leading to what she assumed was the basement, and the living room.

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