Finding Out Myself(Mabel)

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     Thee does not own Danny Phantom nor Gravity Falls.

    Later, after Candi and Grenda reported their findings. I was convinced that I had to research the subject myself. I hadn't expected them to find enough data in such short notice, so I was surprised. But I was worried about whether them getting caught was a good thing or if it was going to ruin my chances of dating Danny. Ooh, his name rolls right off my tongue. I thought to myself. It gives me chills. (She's so dirty#)) Bang! "Huh?!" I said, knocked out of my fantasies. It sounded like there were pots being thrown around. Smash! "Aaiiieee!!!" People were screaming now. "I am Desireai(?), your wish is my command. But it comes with a price. Mwahaha!" A creepy female voice said, she was probably an alto in choir. I looked up, and standing-er- floating, was a green female with a tail-thingie instead of feet. And in front of her was a-a-a a freaky monster that kept disappearing and reappearing in different places!?! "Gyaah! What the check is that?!" I scream, running backwards. "Rawr? Bah!" The monster roared as he turned to look at me. Shoot. I thought to myself. I-it's coming straight towards me! Then, our eyes met, and I felt immense fear, paralyzing my body. I'd never felt anything like this before. It was getting closer, closer, clo-
   "Move!" Someone yelled as I was pushed to the side. "Ugh!" I groaned as I hit the ground. "You gotta move! You'll get killed!" A guy's voice roared as I was shaken by my shoulders. "Alright, alright! I'm going, I'm go-" I started irritated, about to tell whoever it was to bug off, when I noticed who had saved me.  It was, it was, D-Danny?! The guy I loved and was destined to be with?! A-and he was holding me! Tightly, might I add. (Mabel, you dirty-minded glitter addicted fiend.;)) "Are you okay? You have to get out of here! Come on!" He yelled, not even giving me a chance to respond, as he pulled me into an alleyway. "Look, follow the crowd of people out of here, alright?" Danny asked. "Y-yeah, alright." I stuttered. Then a thought hit me, "W-wait, what about you?!" "Don't worry about me! I'll be fine! Go!" I nod, then I follow the rest of the people screaming. Hmm, strange. I thought to myself. For a second there, I-I thought his eyes flashed iridescent green! No, that's not possible, but then again, my brother and I deal with supernatural stuff all the time. Either way, I'll trust Danny. But I'll have to be careful, he never gave me his name, so if I ever meet him again I have to make sure not to call him by his name 'til he tells me his name. I hope he's alright.

##Danny's PoV##
    Geez! What was with that girl?! She could have been killed!! Oh, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself here. See, this is what happened before I met that girl.

   Hmm, alright the babysitting póster just said to come to the Mystery Shack, but I don't know where that is. Soo, Guess I'll ask. ''U-um, excuse me." I said to a random person. "Yes?" She answered. "I was just wondering ir you could give me directions to the Mystery Shack." "Oh, dear, why that's easy!" She said as she told me the directioons. "Alright, thanks!" I said. "No problem sugar." She replied. (A/N I don't know why, but this person is a countrywoman.)
    Later, after that happened. I was happily walking to a convenience  store to get something to eat. Fwooh. "Huh? My ghost breath??" Then I heard it. "I am Desiree!(?) Your wish is my command, but it comes with a price! Mwahaha!"  Dang it. Can't I, just once, have a normal day?!?! "Well, whatever." I mumble to myself. "Nobody else is gonna do it!" I yelled as I was about to go ghost when I see a girl wearing a pink glittery sweater just standing there. Why isn't she moving?! I think as I notice that she and the monster/ghost thing have locked eyes. So that's it. Paralyzing fear! So what do I do? Well, since I can't get her to move by yelling at her, and that thing is getting closer, I do the most reasonable thing. I push her over and yell, "Move!" "Ugh!" I hear her groan as she hits the ground. I wince. Oops, sorry, I think. Then I grab her shoulders and start shaking her to knock some sense into her.(Aww, poor Mabel, convinced it's love,) "Come on! You've got to move!" I yell at her. "Alright, Alright already! I'm going, I'm go-" She starts to say, but then suddenly stops as she gets a good look at my face. I'm starting to feel uncomfortable. I think to myself, squirming. "Move!" I say again. "Follow me!" I grab her and pull her away. Dang it. I can't have her find out who I am, but how will I be able to get her out of here?! It's not like I can just tell her to follow the crowd! Oh well, I've got nothing better planned. "Look! Follow the crowd of people! Go!" I yell at her. Much to my surprise,she nods, then, as if realizing something, she yells "What about you?!" This statement shocks me. (Yes, I know big words. Get over it already!-_-') I feel kind of weird knowing that she barely knows me(he's so wrong) and yet she's worried about me. It's kind of nice to have someone worry about me when I'm not Danny Phantom. Sure, there's Sam, Tucker, my sister, and my parents, but nobody else worries about Danny Fenton. (A superiority complex??) "Don't worry about me! I'll be fine." I reassure her. Again she nods, then she runs towards the mob of people. "Alright, time to kick some ghost butt!" I yell. "I'm going GHOST!" I yell as a ring appears and circles around me. Then it splits into two rings and they pull apart, as they do this wherever they pass changes. My hair turns snow white and my eyes glow green(A/N he didn't realise he'd flashed his eyes when he was with Mabel.) My outfit changed too. Instead of blue jeans, a white and red t-shirt, and sneakers, I had a white vest, a black t-shirt with my signature DP on the left side(depends on how you look at it), black jeans that are easy to move in, and silver-ish boot-sneakers. (A/N Yes, I am aware that is not his actual attire, but I like it. If you can't imagine that look up 'Danny Phantom anime' should show up.)
I flew up behind them as Desiree hadn't seen me yet. Alright, closer, closer, NOW!! "YA!!" I yelled as I stabbed Desiree with the Fenton thermos. She didn't even have time to say 'Wha?'. Then I took out the evil spirit inside whoever this poor person was. Once I took the spirit out, I kinda regretted it. The man, more like boy, was some powdered-haired kid that looked like he came from the Victorian era. A/N cough Giddeon cough. I mean, seriously! Who has white hair as a, what?, twelve, eleven year old! "Ooh, where am I? What happened..." The boy moaned as he rubbed his head. "You're in the middle of the street. D'you mind telling me why you were turned into some type of GHOST?" I asked as I helped him up. "Huh? Th-that wasn't what I wished for!" He yelled in a high voice. My ears perked as I heard him. Wish? What kind? "What kind of wish?" I demanded, knowing a wish could be blended into anything if Desiree heard it. "I wished to show Mabel great fear, paralyzing, blood-stopping fear! That was my wish!" White-hairs exclaimed. No wonder, I thought to myself. Of course, with a wish like that anyone could bend it into the worst possible light ever! But who's Mabel? "Well, whatever. I'll be going. Oh! And if you saw whoever it was that saved me, find that person, tell him/her thank you from Giddeon. Farewell."  He proclaimed. He sounded like he was used to getting what he wanted. Hmm, Giddeon. Pfft, what a funny and ridiculous name!(A/N not being mean or anything!) "Well, whatever, he did say thank you, technically. I better get to the Mystery Shack!" I exclaimed as I started running down the street. Hold up. I thought. She said it was that way. I facepalmed  as I ran back up the street and went the other direction. If anybody had been there, that would've been embarrassing! Glad no one was there. I thought as I ran up the street.
Uzumaki_Chocolate: Hiya! こんいちわ!(that means hello in Japanese.) How are you guys! Hope you all liked the chappie!!:)
Dipper: I didn't! I didn't show up once! Except when Mabel mentioned me!!
Mabel: Sorry Dips ma boy, buuuut it couldn't be helped.

Uzumaki_Chocolate: Yeah! Besides, I thought it was time for Danny and Mabel to meet. Oh, btw, I filled these guys*points behind me* on what's going on. K?
Danny: Yeah, I'm okay with it, cuz now we know what's going on.
Uzumaki_Chocolate: Boo... You guys are no fun..:,(
Dipper: Too bad, I think we all agree that we all like knowing what's going on.
Stan: I could care less.
Dipper: Besides him.
Stan: Hey!!>-<
Uzumaki_Chocolate: Anyyyyywaaaayyy, I an starting a contest! Yay! Just me..? Really....-_-'
Mabel: The conteeeeesstt...
Uzumaki_Chocolate: Oh yeah! Uh, the contest is you guys, yes you guys, the ones reading this right now at this very moment, have to guess my real age. The prize is, not only a dedication, but also one of you lucky people will be added as a character, whether be you villain or hero, sidekick or civilian, oh!, and you'll get twenty virtual cookies! You can even count 'em. There are just two conditions: One, no one I know from my real world life can answer. Cough ishipfourtris cough. I know that's not your real account name, just part of it! And two, it has to be a private message! Got that? Good. There are two reasons for condition #two. One, I don't check the comments, so bleh, and two, I won't know who was first and then I might pick the wrong person. 50 l \/\/41t \/\/lt|-| 4B4t3D BR34t|-| F0R t|-|3 D4 Y |_| 5L4Y D4 Fl|\|4l B055!!

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