My Crush of The Week. (Mabel*)

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   Alright, Dipper told you his side of the story, now it's my turn. See after I 'tripped' and Gary(that already taken person) caught me this is what happened as it has come to my attention that Dipper did not tell the details:

****At the pizza diner****

   ''Oh I'm so,so,so, so sorry!" I said. ''I-I wasn't looking where I was going and I tripped, oh I'm so sorry I got soda all over you!" "I-it's okay it was just an accident. Lucky for you I caught you.'' ''Yeah lucky me,'' I giggled nervously, a-anyway I-I was just w-wondering if you would like to go to the movies or something.'' He looked happy, Good job Mabel! That's definitely good! ''I'd love to,'' he said. ''Really?!" I asked really happy with how this was going, ''but I already have a girlfriend.'' He finished. What?!? But my sources said he was single!! I'm gonna have to have a talk with Candi. ''Maybe some other time?" Gary asked. ''Yeah maybe.'' I said real sad that he wasn't gonna be my boyfriend either. ''Well, uh bye.'' I said kinda awkardly. ''Um, yeah see you around.'' He went out the door and I went back to where Dipper was hiding. ''Come on let's go back to the Mystery Shack.'' He offered. ''Yeah, let's go.'' I said dejectedly. The walk home was real silent until Dipper broke the silence, ''H-hey Mabel?" ''Yeah Dipper?" He looked me in the eye and said, ''You're way too good for him.'' I broke out in a grin, seeing as he cared so much and said, ''Yeah, you're right I am too good for him.''' ''Aren't I always right?" He said with a grin. ''Not always,'' I answered,''some times I'm right.'' ''Well, yeah, but I'm right most of the time.'' ''Psh, you wish.'' I teased, but let it go. Knowing us this could go on forever. We went inside not knowing that this was the point of no return.

*************************************************************************************************Dun Dun Dun!! Okay how'd ya like this chapy? Dis is one of two books I'm writing and I would love 4 u 2 read them. Also so there is no confusion I (unfortunately) do jot own Danny Phantom or Gravity Falls. Also I put this in between season1 and 2 of Danny Phantom and season 1 of Gravity Falls. Which is why Danny's parents don't know he's a ghost and why Jaz does. That's all. Oh! And  I'm occasionally gonna write in L33T SP34K. 0K4Y, BY3!

Sorry I didn't update sooner but a very nice and awesome person died in a car crash and this is probably the last chapter I'll write for a while. In memory of Ross: A great person that didn't deserve to die so young. Bye.

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