What Did I Do To Deserve This?! (Dipper)

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Hello everyone!! I'm baaacckk!! Didja miss me? Of course you guys did! Otherwise, you wouldn't be reading this. Duh. Up there is a Purple Sky. It was the day of the Honor Band Festival. Um, it was April 9, 2015. This is dedicated to IcyGhostLlama and Shadowwolf982! Shadowwolf982 won second place on the 'guess who?' contest! First place is Ishipfourtris Anyway, on to the story!!! XD

#########Dipper's head########### Okay, fighting or tracking strange creatures? Fine, just let me get my journal. Dealing with Mabel's crushes? Argh, fine, I'll live, somehow. So maybe having a babysitter might not be too bad. I mean, as long as this guy isn't friends with Robbie or leave us alone(though this might not be that bad) I think we might get along. You know, I hope. Although, seeing Mabel's face blush slightly might mean trouble. Who am I kidding? Of course it's gonna be trouble!! These were thoughts that are swirling in my head as Grunkle Stan seals the deal, so I decide to tune back in. "- it'll be a well deserved break from all the responsibilities of running the Shack. So good luck, uh,..." Stan trailed off as he never asked the probably fourteen year old his name. "Danny." The guy, now named Danny, said. "Danny Fenton, sir." "Ah, well, good luck Danny, and don't worry, these kids aren't really trouble makers. Most of the time." Yeah, because saving Gravity Falls or our lives isn't worth a little trouble. I thought in my head. "Alright. Thank you sir. So when do I start?" Danny inquired. "You start tomorrow. I have a plane to catch, so be here by 8:30 A.M. if you will." Danny looked perplexed when he heard when he was supposed to be here. He looked like he was about to decline when he seemed to remember something. "Okay. I will!" He said with a fire in his eyes as he ran out the 'office' door and out the Mystery Shack's door. Seems like something reminded him to accept. I thought to myself. He had looked like he was about to decline. Wonder what changed his mind?
####Mini Danny's PoV#####
No way am I waking up at 8:30 in the morning! That's only for school!! Maybe, yeah, maybe I can say I can't. I think to myself. Then, a small voice in the back of my head said, Don't you want that video game? How many times will you find a job that has exactly the amount of money you need? No, I can't quit! Not now! "Okay. I will!" I say as I run out the door. No way is that game getting away from me!
####:Back to Dipper#######

Either way, this guy probably does drugs(Haha, Dipper, you are so wrong) or something. But maybe he doesn't. A thought quietly said in my mind. But maybe he does. I shot back. Either way, this summer might come out a lot better than I hope.

My Life As A (Crushing) Girl, So What? Mabel

Another chapter for you. Two chappies is one!! :D

How lucky am I? I mean, first, I find out that my crush is the 'save a damsel in distress' type of guy, then I find out he's going to babysit us for an entire month! Talk about luck! Obviously this just meant that we were clearly meant to be. I could feel myself smirk as this thought went through my mind. Get ready Danny! This girl is here to stay and so is this crush! I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't see where I was going and- Blam!! I slammed into a sturdy wall or something. "O-oh, I'm s-so sorry! Are you okay?" A feminine, shy voice asked, clearly worried that she had hurt me. By the way she sounds, it doesn't seem like she could hurt a fly without crying. Hmm, I must fix this! I think determinedly. By the end of this month, I think, She won't be scared of anything. Like me, fearless, and yeah, a little loopy. Can't be helped. "It's ok." I say, trying to make her feel better. "I wasn't really paying attention anyway." Her face literally spelled 'thank all that is awesome and glittery!' "Oh, thank the Gods! I was worried you'd gotten hurt." She said, clearly all shyness gone. Wait, wha? What happened to the shy girl?! Hmm, maybe she's bipolar?! COOl!! I thought in my mind as she helped me up off he side of the road. "I'm Mabel." I say as I stick out my hand for a handshake. "What's yours?" She hesistatingly shakes y as hand as she answers, "Tori. Tori Fenton." (A/N Her dad is Danny's mom's brother. More info at the end.) Wait, what?! Her last name is Fenton too?! Maybe she and Danny are related! This could work to my advantage. If I can ask her some questions on Danny, I'll know What can woo him over!! This perfect! "So, Tori, I have to go me now, but maybe we can meet up later?" I ask, knowing she might decline. Tori smile as she says, "Alright! How about on the morrow?" The morrow? What is that?
##Mini Tori PoV###(:: )

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