Questions I Have.

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     Konnichiwa!! It is I, Kagamine_Vivian!! And regarding the last chapter, I have some questions. And your not leaving until I get answers! >.

Here are the questions. Then I'll think on letting you go.

Q.#1: Should I make Dipper bi? Or should I just have him hopelessly enamoured with Wendy? Even though she won't really show up.

Q.#2: Should Sam and Tucker come along? Y'know, to have the whole gang here.

Q.#4: Who should Bill possess?

Q.#5: How many noticed I skipped No. 3?

Q.#3(The real one): Should Bill have his own body? If so, how should he look like? (This is a two-part question. And thus, deserves a two-part answer.

Q.#6: Be honest, do any of you really enjoy this story? Just so that I can continue writing. I've gotten a lot of great feedback, even if I feel like I don't deserve it. So thanks!!

Q.#7:  Should I add details or keep writing like this? What? I wanna know.

Q.#8: Who likes my new writing style? :) You don't have to answer. Just curious. And no, I don't believe that curiosity killed the cat. Cats are too smart(usually) to be killed by curiosity.

Q.#9: Do any of you guys wanna be my friends? I mean, clearly this won't turn out like Percabeth, I'm not on Dating Duty(yes, I said Duty.), and besides, my standards are probably way too high anyway. I just don't feel attractions to anyone. But friends are nice, right?

Q.#10:  Any one shots requests? I'll see if it is within my capabilities.

Q.#11: What would you guys do if you guys found a DeathNote somewhere? I would throw it away. Or burn it....

    Thanks again!! Mata Ne!!

-------Message Terminated--------

P.S. I have decided to let you all leave freely. But if you do see someone like a shadow or eyes that flash violet. You'll know it's my friend. :)


P.P.S Look to the left in the^ corner of the pic on the top^ or>> right side of whatever device you are using. It's the dark haired one with purple eyes.

P.P.P.S Help!! I need good dares or truths! PM me if you guys have any good dares, or truths. Please? Pretty please with sprinkles and chibi Nico on top? Come on, help a brother out! Er, sister... Or both! Just help me, please? T.T Heeeelllllppp.

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