Dares, Truths, and a Few Ghosts

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      Hello again! And welcome back to another exciting chapter of Our Babysitter is a Ghost?!?!
    Okay, maybe not always so exciting, but still!

And shout outs to the people who actually read these A/N and put up with my slow updates, but hey! at least I try to update once a month right?

   So then, onward! to the third most important part to this story!

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     After watching that one kid, Mori was it?, dance the Macarena, then ask Pine Tree Truth or Dare, and manage to get him to take an actual unnecessary risk and pick dare, well, I got pretty interested. Hmm, that kid's in pretty deep thought right now. She's just sitting there in a weird position, she is crouching with her hands brought together in a circle(terrible shape, I'm telling ya), (A/N Shikamaru anyone?) with her eyes closed tight. The atmosphere is tense, well, I'm not, but Pine Tree and Shooting Star sure are.

     Then, her eyes snap open. "I got it!" she says as she snaps her fingers.

   "You, Dipper, have to run around town in a Chicken Little costume yelling 'The sky is falling! The sky is falling!' how about it?" She finished with a smile. Pine Tree paled, not as much as Lori did, but he's still pretty pale.

    "Of all the things that you could dare me to do, why that?!" he yelled.

    Mori looks hurt, "I thought you'd want an embarassing and hard to do dare... Guess not huh? Wow, and here I thought you guys were some super brave people who could take on anyone... Mo, talk about disappointing." Wow, this kid's smart, using Pine Tree's pride like that, would've been the perfect body, but I got the feeling that she wouldn't have agreed, at least, not in time for the war.

Hmm, still, those ghosts are pretty strong. And together, man, together we could rule the world! Of course, in the end, I'm just gonna send them back to their Ghost Zone. No one but me is going to rule this Earth. "Hehehe.. Hahaha... HAHAHAHA!!" I laughed as I figured out how I was gonna rule the world.

    Just then, Skulker came(floated) up to me with a body, on what appeared to be life support, behind him.

   "This body is of a boy who was in a coma for two years so they decided to take him off the life support, I managed to save the body before they did, the owner will never come back."

      I thought about it. All the other bodies had someone there already, and they were terrible looking, extremely overweight, some with what appeared to be cancer, others with heart problems. But this one, There was no one who would try getting their body back, no family as they presumed the boy to be dead, and was in perfect shape.

    "Hmm, yeah... This one'll actually work! Alright, here we go."

   I held onto the boy's hand and merged with the uninhabited body. The boy opened his, no, my eyes to the world as I moved my joints to get rid of any stiffness I may have acquired.

   "Oh yeah, I can feel things again! Hahaha, wow, the last time this happened I had taken over Pine Tree's body, but this suits me better."

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