Who's Comin' Over? He's Comin' Over!

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      Let's forget about the dares and truths for now. On to another part of the story!!


             WAIT!! Before anything else, let my Subconscious, Jessica, do the disclaimer.

  Jessie, take it away!!

         Jessica: Okay, first, don't call me 'Jessie', Jess is fine. And second, what gave you the idea that I want to do the disclaimer? Why not Marth?

    Me: Because we both know he'd fall asleep halfway through the disclaimer. And I thought it'd be nice for everyone to know of my Subconscious and Sub-subconscious. Y'know, for, warnings of what is to come.

   Marth: Uh huh, good one.

  Me+Jess: Marth? What are you doing here?

  Marth: You guys woke me up with your incessant babbling. Pretty impressive, considering I slept through pretty much twelve years of Vivian's life. Then again, Jess did too.

Me: ( °.°') Okay, um, Jess, ya still gotta do the disclaimer.

  Jess: D'arvit. I was hoping you'd forget. *Sigh* Kagamine_Vivian does not, I repeat, does NOT own Gravity Falls or Danny Phantom, which is good. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure no one would watch them if she did.

  Me: Hey! That's not nice!

Jess: Oh boo hoo. Go cry yourself a river and get over it.

           Marth: ... You do know you just insulted yourself and me just now, right?

   Jess: I did?! Aw shist!! I'm sorry!! Really, I am!!

   Me: Uh Huh, suuure. -_-

  Leo: Whale!

       Me+Jess+Marth:  Leo? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Calypso and the rest of the Seven at Camp? And what the Hades! Why are you here!! This isn't even your fanfic!! >0<

Leo: D: Aren't you guys nice. Fine, I'll leave. Just remember, I will come when there is a whale. *complete serious face*

Marth+Me+Jess: (0-0)


Danny's PoV

        Now, I'm not saying my, ah, departure, was very sensitive, in all, it was pretty insensitive. Ha, Sam's tutoring actually worked. I learned a new word. What is the world coming to?

           Either way, as I flew off into the sky, I could hear a faint voice singing 'Why ya gotta be so ru~ude? Don't'cha know I'm human to~o?!'. Of course, I think it was louder than that, but I was, like, 600 ft. above the Earth, and leaving at a nice speed of 45 mph. Not my fastest, but still.

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