Friends, Enemies, and A Cousin(Tori)

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The winner of the 'What does this stand for?' contest is.......*drum roll*.......

Lizgirl12!!!!!!!! CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! Um, I would put what the answer she gave me was.... But, it was really long, so I'll give you guys the short version.
*clears throat* 733T 5P34K, or eleet(elite) speak is usually used by gamers and is like their own little code. Also, Google uses it too. I found out about 733T 5P34K while reading a comic, called 'Megatokyo' it's a pretty good book. Waiting for the sixth book still, but really good none the less. Anyway, onto the story!!!! J00 4ll |\|33D

Tori's PoV

When I woke up the next morning, I knew three things:
One: I wasn't shy around Mabel.
Two: I had said that I would meet her today.
And three: ... I have no idea where she lives.
"Oh my gods!! How could I have forgotten something so important?!"
I yelled, pulling at my black with red highlights hair. I'm pretty sure I looked like an anime character. Hehe, like Tamaki-sempai. Hmm, think Tori, think! Where can you go to find out where someone lives. "Hmm, well, let's see. She lives in Gravity Falls, but probably not for very long. Maybe she's only here for summer vacation? But that doesn't answer my question! Um, ah, oh!! Maybe Google can help!" I yell as I get over my rant. Pulling up a chair, I sit down and start turning my computer on. I don't have a laptop, unfortunately, so I have to use the family computer. "Alright, let's type Mabel and see where it gets us." I mutter. Like this is gonna work. Pft, yeah right! I snort to myself. I glance at the computer screen. Loading. And loading. And loading. I start getting an eye twitch as I watch the little circle thing spin round and round. Then, "Argh!!! Just hurry up and load!!!" I exclaim, getting ready to punch the screen. It always does this! Whenever I really need to use this for anything, it'll just freeze like this. In the middle of my temper tantrum, I didn't notice the screen had finally loaded the results. "Finally!" I say as I look at the results.

Mabel Jane, from Butternut, Minnesota.(A/N Not kidding, this is a real place!!)
Maybel Marie, from Orlando, Florida.
Mabel Pines, from Gravity Falls.
Wait, Gravity Falls? Pines? My brain was slowly processing what it had just seen. Mabel, the girl I met yesterday, is the Mabel Pines?! Twin of Dipper Pines?! Niece/granddaughter of Stanley Pines?! ...
I am pretty sure that almost everyone in Gravity Falls can hear me scream. It's just so incredible! I mean, they fight against all kinds of supernatural stuff. And, since I fight ghosts(not Danny) we might even team up sometime. Hopefully. In the middle of my really cool fantasies of teaming up and saving the world a thought came to mind. Isn't Danny supposed to babysit Stan's grandchildren/niece and nephew? I could literally feel myself going into chibi mode. I was literally jumping off the walls, screaming "Yes!! Yesu yesu!! MY COUSIN GETS TO TAKE CARE OF THE MYSTERY TWINS!! WOOHOO!!!!!"
"Hey, Tori dear? Could you take it down a notch?" Dad said as he walked into my room. I grinned sheepishly and said, "Sorry Dad. I was just excited about something. You know cause Danny's gonna be babysitting the Mystery Twins."
He chuckled at my explanation. You can always count on Dad to be understanding. "Alright, just keep it down you're disturbing the ectoplasmic frequency of this ghost sample your cousin's parents gave to me. They said it was that ghost boy's ectoplasm from a time he had been fighting against some ghost and had left it behind." I froze as he said that. Danny hasn't been found out yet, has he? He's not that careless. I looked at my dad. He hadn't said anything about Danny being the 'ghost boy' their prepared to hunt down. Even if he's helped save Amity Park countless times. They still thought he was just some deliquent who was just earning their trust. Wonder what would happen if they found out that Danny Fenton is Danny Phantom. I'd love to see their faces. I think as I chuckle lightly. Have to act like I don't care. "Alright Dad, I've gotta go! I've got a friend to meet!" I say as I run down the stairs and am out the door while I hear him say, "Be careful! And watch out for ghosts!!"
I chuckle as I run down the street. Alrighty then! If Mabel is the Mabel I'm thinking of, then she should be in the Mystery Shack. Or anywhere else. But let's not worry about that. I think to myself with a smile. "Just think positive Tori. Positive." I say to the air since no one else is here to hear me. "AIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!"

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