Why Is It So Hard Keeping His Secret?!?!(Jaz)

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''I am the Box Ghost! Beware!" I hear this first then the boxes start to rain down on us. ''Ugh, why can't they just leave Danny alone for once?!" I groan as a shoe box hits my shoulder. ''Haha, no one can stop me!" ''Yeah yeah, that's what you said last time,and I still beat you!'' Right on time, Danny. I think to myself. ''How do manage to find me, Ghost Child?!?!? No matter, I shall defeat you with my awesome power to control boxes and all box-shaped containers!" ''Y'know what? I am really bored so I'm just gonna make this quick so I can get back to sleep!" I hear Danny say to the Box Ghost(okay, even I can come up with better villain names.) ''Beware for I am th-'' Box guy didn't get to finish as Danny's ectoplasmic ray hit him square in the face. ''Beware for you are now hurt and are about to be put in my thermos!" Danny mocks. ''Oh real mature Danny, really? Making fun of people like that isn't nice.'' I tell him shaking my head. Though secretly I'm kinda glad that he hit Box guy(oh sorry Box Ghost) straight in the face. That'll teach 'em! Trying to mess up our vaction! Okay even if I didn't want to go to Gravity Falls I was still going to make the best of this summer. ''What was that?!?! A ghost?!?!" Dad yelled. Oops. I'd completely forgotten about our parents being here!! What if they saw Danny?!?! ''Uh, it was just a uh, um a drunk dude who just woke up and decided to throw a bunch of boxes everywhere?" Danny said weakly. ''Y-yeah,'' I agreed quickly, ''he was sleeping and then he fell off the bench he was sleeping on and apparently he had a hangover and was throwing boxes everywhere.'' ''Oh, well that's good,'' my dad said,''wouldn't want any ghost ruining our summer vacation, eh?" ''Of course, Jack.'' My mom agreed. ''Now I wonder if all the ghost weapons work?" ''Oh no, mom.'' I say. ''Last time you did that in the car you almost blew it up.'' ''That was just one time, Jaz.'' She says stubbornly,''It won't happen again.'' ''Your right, it won't happen again,'' I say, '' 'cause you'll wait 'til we get there.'' ''What?! Why??" My mom yelped. ''Because we only have, like, thirty minutes to get there. So I'm sure you can wait thirty minutes.'' ''Mmm,'' she thinks before saying, ''Alright. But only thirty minutes.'' Then she whips out some device from her pocket. ''Right after I check for ectoplasmic remains. To be on the safe side.'' She explains. Great, just great. I think. With that she'll see Danny is part ghost! What do I do?! Fortunately Danny was ahead of mom. ''A-actually mom I-I already checked and it showed that there was no ectoplasm anywhere.'' ''A-and I did a double check just to make sure.'' I said. 'Cause Danny would never do that. ''Oh, well I'm glad you two finally decided to help with the family business.'' My mom replied. Woah, my parents really are gullible. ''Phew.'' Danny and I sigh at the same time. ''You owe me.'' I hissed at him. ''Alright. I'll make it up to you. Now c'mon, before mom thinks of doing something else.'' I nod. We get back in the car and Dad starts the car and off we go. It's getting harder to keep Danny's secret. I wonder who's going to discover it. Well, let's hope his secret is safe. For now.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Wow man was this chapter hard. I kept getting interrupted. Okay, before anything else I'm gonna just say this: I Do Not Own Any Characters. All Rights Go To Butch Hartman And Whoever Wrote Gravity Falls! Woo got that out.
Also today was Ross Isaac Blomgren's funeral so I really don't have any inspiration. And I would love it if you guys could say something 'cause I feel real down.

4|\|D J|_|5T 45 PR0MI53D H3R3 I5 WH4T L33T SP34K L00K5 LIK3. Translation: Here is what L33T SP34K looks like. And here is a guide to help: A=4 E=3 N=|\| O=0 U=|_| There are others but this is already very confusing so I'm making it easier. Bye! Wilco out! P34C3!

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