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Don_Spain: So, I got tagged, and because the next chapter is taking a bit I'll do the tag first. Uh, I was tagged by Sicily_Italy.

Q. #1: What is your favourite song?

A. I have a lot of favourite songs, but the top five are:

Mama by My Chemical Romance

My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark by Fall Out Boy

Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! At the Disco

Hallelujah by Panic! At The Disco

And This is Halloween by Panic! At The Disco

Q. #2: Favourite food?

A. Churros, tomatoes, and, uh, um, gods, I can't remember the last one.... Wait, it's coming to me.... It's.............. A Mexican type of beef stew or something, I can't remember what it's actually called. All I know is that it had vegetables, soup bones, and is delicous. Mexico gave me some whenever I come over.

Q. #3: Books or movies?

A. This isn't even that hard. Books hands down. I mean, have you seen the Percy Jackson movies? At first I was super hexcited about the PJO books becoming movies, but then I saw the movie and the only thought that came through my mind was 'Seriously? Nope, that never happened. How old are they? Seventeen? Their supposed to be twelve!' I mean, sure, the Harry Potter movies were pretty close to the books but still, some of the sarcasm was lost. 'There's no need to call me 'sir'.' Where did this line go?! What about 'Watching the news again?' 'You see, it changed everyday.' Sarcastic teens... Makes me wish I were 500 again....

Q. #4: Do you consider someone your sibling even if they're not?

A. Yes, yes I do. One time, my friend Greece (in real life, not Wattpad) found out that Greece had colonized Spain. So when I acted kinda crazy during band, Greece told me to sit down. I said 'you can't tell me what to do.' To which Greece replied, 'I colonized you! Do as I say!' Yeah, I guess I calmed down.... Ne, ishipfourtris_1328. Did I calm down?(just realized this had nothing to do with the question.)

Q. #5: Do you like school?

A. .... I feel like this is a loaded question. If I say yes, people sometimes say 'Wah?! How can you like school?! It's, like, so boring!' To which I say, Ha! Just 'cause you don't like school doesn't mean I can't! (This is not true, I just ignore the question or give a half truth. Usually I just say I like seeing my friends and getting internet.

Q. #6: PruHun or AusHun?

A. Perdón Gilberto, but I ship AusHun just a little more than PruHun. Besides, I think you look like a cuter couple with a little Canadian....

Q. #7: Broke a bone?

A. Nope, I am proud to say that even during my time as an empire I did not break a bone, cuts and bruises, yes, but a broken bone? Nope. Unlike a certain Prussian....

Q. #8: Do you still like colouring books?

A. Eh, so-so. They kinda bother me sometimes, but I guess if I have nothing to do and a colouring book is there then yeah...

Q. #9: Candy or fruit?

A. Hmm, this is tough. I suppose it depends on the candy or fruit type. If it's apples or tomatoes, then I'll gonna have to go with fruit... But if it's Mazapán candy or churros(do they count?) then candy.... I'm gonna go with half and half.

Q. #10: Undertale or Homestruck?

A. I... Don't know either of those.... Uh, Homestruck...? I've seen some comic strips on Pinterest.

Q. #11: Chocolate or gum?

A. Chocolate. I have nothing against gum, but if gum is sweet it usually doesn't stay sweet very long. And chocolate is just so creamy and sweet and can come in different types... I'm craving some now.

Q. #12: Favourite sport?

A. Fútbol. Soccer. Whatever you call it. I live for it. México! I'm so proud of you!

Q. #13: Do you believe in ghosts?

A. I suppose so. In a way, I do.  Okay, do I Tag thirteen other people now? Yes, alright, uh:

  Republic_of_Hungary  Italy_Veneziano_  goddamndraco  ToriCrypticIce   Lizgir12_                         Nico-di-Angelo_  ImNotaLINE  IcyGhostDemon  ishipfourtris_1328  Fave101   LovinoRomanoVargas__ Vargas_Lovino        Miss_Hungary_chan

Same questions apply I guess.  Because I'm too lazy.

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