We're Getting A What?!?! (Dipper)

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  ''Hey kids! Come in here for a second will ya?!'' I hear our Grunkle Stan yell. ''Coming!'' We say at the same time. I look at Mabel as she looks at me as we both say, ''Jinx!''  ''I said it first Dips.'' "No way I said it first!'' ''No, I did!'' ''No, me!'' "No-'' we could have gone forever if Stan hadn't interupted. ''Alright that's it. The only way we're gonna solve this is this way, said it first.'' ''What?! That's not fair!'' Mabel and I yell at the same time. "Of course it's fair! You can't make up your minds so I win.'' Stan says proudly (or as proudly as anyone can with a fez and a sweaty muscle shirt.) ''Psh, yeah right,'' Mabel says, ''obviously said it first.'' "No, said it first!'' I yell. ''Okay,'' I say, trying to stop us from getting even more off topic than we already were,''what did you want to tell us Stan?'' ''Hmm? Oh yeah! I'm gonna be away for a while and while I'm gone you two will be with a babysitter.'' ''What?!?!" My sister and I yell at the same time, yet we don't even say jinx we're too caught up in what Stan just said. ''What do you mean we're getting a babysitter?! And why can't Wendy or Soos do it?!?!" I yell. ''Yeah! Why can't Wendy or Solos look after us?!" Mabel asks right after me, yelling as loud, or maybe even louder, than me. ''Okay, first off, I don't want a babysitter for you either.'' Grunkle Stan says. Yeah, 'cause you're too cheap to pay a babysitter. I thought to myself. ''Secondly, Wendy can't, because her entire family's going to, uh, I think it's called Blackwood forest for a month.(A/NI may have forgotten what I named the forest she was going to for a month or so.) And Soos can't because he has to take care of his mother, who broke her ankle chasing rabbits, and take her to her bingo games, which will be every day until the end of this month. So I'm  stuck with having to pay a babysitter for a month.'' He said grumpily. ''O-okay,well how much are you going to pay the babysitter?'' ''Mmm about $30.50 for one month.'' Well, not as cheap as before. Wonder why. This is almost generous for him!! I was stunned. He usually would have given at least $12 or maybe less! Maybe he thinks that whoever takes care of us won't last super long, I mean most people would probably get a heart attack from all the crazy stuff my sister and I do. Speaking of which, I wonder who the poor soul is. Well, who ever it is, I wish him/her luck.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Tada! I finished another chapter!!! Woohoo! Also, unfortunately I have some bad news.:( I won't talk to you guys like this any more. Instead I will talk like this:
Wilco: Hi my fellow fandom people! I'm so happy you have stayed with me for so loong even though I haven't updated for sooooooo looonng!!! Aahh!! Noo! Don't hurt meh please!
Dipper: What are you do-aah! Who are those people?! And why are they hurting you?!?!
Mabel: Dips are you really that dim as to not know that those people are fan people?!
STAN: Who are you all talking to? Y'know Imma leave...
Mabel: Bye! Ooo Wilco are you OK??
Wilco: No... I think... I just... Broke...my...everything..
Dipper: Okay since Wilco can't I will say... She does not own any of us. All rights reserved to Butch Hartman and whoever wrote Gravity Falls. Wait... WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!
Danny: Just rollwith it.
Dipper: Who the heck are you?!?!
Wilco:Bye! Danny go away ur not supposed to be here yet!
Danny:Fine! :,(*poofsaway*

P34C3 0|_|T MY FR13|\|D5!!

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