Calling All The Allies!

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After Tori left the Pines Siblings' home, she went straight to her house and started her computer. Of course, because the family computer likes being a duckbutt, it was really slow. Eventually it finally loaded, and as Tori typed in the site she needed, she pondered if Dani was even on. It was Wednesday, one of the two days they had agreed on attempting to contact each other, but they also had allotted times during those days to make sure one of them didn't ask for help at, like, 3 A.M. only for reinforcements to come at 8 P.M.

Lithuania: Dani, you on?

She waited for a few seconds.

GhostBeauty_101: Hey, what's up?

Tori sighed in relief before typing again.

Lithuania: Big trouble in Gravity Falls, come quick.

GhostBeauty_101: Why? What's happening?

Lithuania: Danny and Co. here for summer vacay and ghost army wants to destroy Danny. Need reinforcements!

GhostBeauty_101: Ghosts creating an army? Who's the mastermind? Plasmius?

Lithuania: I wish, it's a dream demon named Bill Cipher, has it in for the Pines Siblings. Tucker's coming.

GhostBeauty_101: And Sam?

Lithuania: No, parents going to Cancun or something.

GhostBeauty_101: Be there soon, don't die.

Lithuania: Wasn't planning on it.

GhostBeauty_101 has logged off.

"Well, that's that." Tori sighed, knowing there wasn' anything else she could do now. Except... She thought, a string of ideas that could get her in big trouble, but potentially help them against an army of ghosts and a dream demon, swirled in her mind. She stood up, making sure to close the site she was on and turn off the computer too, and quickly walked down to the basement. Her dad had modified and expanded it after they had moved in, it now held an impressive lab. Tables filled with a multitude of items were on one side, on the other was a prototype for a ghost portal. Her dad had been building it after Jack(Danny's dad) and Maddie(Danny's mom) had sent the blueprints. In a corner was a bookshelf filled with her father's notes and theories. "If Dad could just get the portal to work..." Tori muttered, picking up and placing things in a bag she'd found on the table, careful not to mess anything up. "We'd be able to send them back... But it's just a prototype... At least Dad had the sense of putting the ON button on the outside instead of the inside..." She had seen the blueprints Uncle Jack and Aunt Maddie had sent, but there were inconsistencies, variables that shouldn't have been there, and stains that looked suspiciously like soda. That last thing was pure Uncle Jack, but the variables and inconsistencies might cause an Olympian worthy problem. Thankfully, Tori is a smart kid, and growing up with a brainiac father who's obssessed with ghosts, she picked up a few things. She took everything she had put in the bag and went to the stairs. She hesitated, but she turned around and grabbed the blueprints and left a note quickly scrawled onto the back of a scratch piece of paper.


Went to get copies of the blueprints for the portal, just in case we misplace the originals. I'll be helping Danny babysit, you know how he is with kids. They'll demolish him! But don't worry, that's why they need a peacekeeper. Should be home by 3 in the afternoon. Bye!

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