Chapter Twenty-Five

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Water pours over my aching muscles. Sleeping out on the desert floor maybe wasn't the best idea last night, but fuck if the sweet woman that slept at my side didn't ease some of the pain.

My dick stands to attention just thinking about being deep inside of her last night. Again and again and again. Tasting her on my tongue and drowning in the soft, velvety wetness between her thighs.

Precum oozes from my cock and I brush it off under the water, resisting the urge to stroke myself too much. Talia's going to join me in just a moment, I can wait for her heat to be wrapped around me instead of my hand.

I shampoo the grime from my hair, wondering how I even accumulated so much filth in under twelve hours in the wilderness. After our initial lovemaking, she sure turned into a wildcat—which I guess is what attributed to the entire Mojave shaking out of my hair and washing down the drain.

I scrub everywhere, nearing being done when I realize Talia never came in to join me. I know she needs a shower as much as I do, so where did she run off to? Turning the water off and grabbing a towel, I wrap it low on my hips, tying it off so I won't have any accidents and Little Ryder—who is slowly losing his hardness—doesn't make any surprise appearances.

"Talia? Cupcake, you okay?" I question, taking in her naked, shaking shoulders as she's perched on the edge of my bed. Her back is to me but I can see her staring at something in front of her.

Soft sobs come from her and my feet speed up until I'm sliding up behind her and drawing her into my lap, rubbing soft circles along her back and grasping her bare thigh. I cradle her close, her eyes still intent on what I now see is her phone in her hands.

"Talk to me. Is it your dad?" Oh no, her dads probably dead and she's here. Shit. Will she ever forgive herself for not being there for him? Damnit, I should have made her move back home to be with her family. No matter how much she loves me or wants to be here, her dad and family need her too.

She shakes her head no and I let out a deep breath of relief. But her silent crying still doesn't reassure me that everything is okay. If it isn't her dad, then what?

"I always wanted to be able to read minds. As a kid I used to try and focus hard enough to see if I could make it happen. It never did," I chuckle, trying to make her look up at me so I can see her face, "So I can't do anything unless you tell me what's wrong? Did something happen?" Even if I can't fix anything, I still want to hear from her what has her so upset. "Was last night not-" I gulp, unconsciously squeezing her a little tighter. "Was last night got good for you?"

Her multiple orgasms and sleepy happy smile made me think she was enjoying herself. As was her several proclamations of her unwavering, everlasting... okay maybe I'm exaggerating, but she did say she loved me several times last night. I got no vibes from her that said she wasn't ready or didn't enjoy herself.

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now