Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Hey, hey, hands off, I'm fine, it's just a little tender. Stop fussing," I push Letha away who's coming at me with a second ice pack after the first started to melt. She drops it on to the table and puts her hands on her hips before throwing them up in exasperation.

"Fine, be swollen. What's it to me," she crosses her arms over her chest and tilts her head up dramatically causing me to chuckle.

"Okay, give me the ice pack, sheesh." She smirks like she's won and grabs the ice pack and holds it to my face.

We're inside of the Den now. After the cops came and arrested half the people that were involved, most of us took it inside, letting a ghost crew run the car wash and let the prospects look over the girls out there. The wet tee shirt contest is postponed for the time being, with Pam our tentative winner.

Stone made it out of the crowd without being arrested and is currently upstairs catering to Pam who is claiming him as her prize.

A few people involved in the fight who got away are sitting around, nursing their wounds with liquor and ice to their swollen faces.

My injury isn't bad. I wasn't even fighting. The asshat threw a stray punch and I just so happened to not step out of the way in time. He socked me right in the eye so I'm sure I'll have a pretty purple bruise tomorrow morning. For now, it's puffy and red, slightly sore. The ice is helping—thanks to Letha who is pretending to be some kind of house mom.

Technically she is the house mom at the Lounge, so maybe that's why. It's in her nature.

At least the idiot who hit me got what was coming to him for being stupid. I'm not even sure why he was fighting. Boys are dumb. They saw a small fight between the club and those twins and thought "hmm, guess we should go at it too!"

It didn't take long for testosterone to be raging and blood to cover the ground.

Again, boys are dumb.

"I think I'm going to just sleep it off. Mind waking me if you hear from the guys or if they come back?" Letha nods and takes a sip from the martini in front of her.

"Sure thing, babe. Get some rest. No one will come up there and bother you."

The music isn't as loud as it was before. The party definitely died down and most of the cars that were waiting for a wash have driven off, opening up traffic. Now there's no more honking or screaming from irate drivers.

Perfect to take a nap in. Also, I need some time to myself. I haven't been punched in the face since I was kidnapped and getting hit today brought back some memories I didn't want to remember.


My nose crunches under one of their heavy fists. I can't see who it is this time. It's nighttime. At least, I think it is. When they came in earlier and opened the door, darkness was behind them so I guess that means it's night.

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now