Chapter Five

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I can see the hesitation in her eyes. She's wondering if she can put her trust in me. She's wondering if I'm worth giving her hand over to, putting her trust in my ability to help her.

Her gorgeous eyes watch my face, darting down to my hand then back up again. I watch as her fingers flick towards me but stay stuck at her side.

Just as I'm about to give up trying for the night, her hand finds it way into mine. Her tiny fingers wrapping themselves up in my palm, their icy touch shocking my system and sending shivers through my body, and not just from their chilly temperature.

I smile, grasping her hand tighter and leading her through the back of the clubhouse and out the door.

"Come on, follow me," I say, knowing with our hands entwined the way they are, she doesn't have much choice unless she drops her hold.

"You're a lot faster than I would have imagined a stoner to be," she huffs, trudging along behind me.

"It's these long legs." I pat my thigh with my free hand and she chuckles.

"I'm tall too, but you're straight booking it out here."

I stop our movement and she nearly bumps into my back, her hand flying out to break her collision with my shoulder last minute.

"Maybe I'm worried you'll run off before I get a chance to show you something I know you will like."

Her face drops the cute little smirk she's been holding and her hand clutches mine a little tighter. "I'm not running off."

Playfully, she presses on my shoulder to get us moving again, skipping around me with our hands still connected, swinging between us. "I'll race you." She winks and I grunt at the prospect of chasing her through the yard and around to the front where my bike is parked.

Her hand drops free from mine as she takes off, her feet making impressive progress even though they're adorned with sky high stilettos heels.


I jog up to her, taking her by the hand again as we come to the front of the clubhouse. With the party bustling and no more need to be secretive, there's a few people hanging around outside - particularly Axel with Pam, Arielle standing off to the side talking to a hangaround named Bruce and flirtatiously twining her hair around her index finger.

I shake my head at the sight. It's obvious she's trying to make Axel jealous by proving she can flirt and sleep with other people, but the asshole doesn't care. He's too focused on Pam's extraordinarily large chest and plump lips for his thoughts to be focused on his girlfriend also cheating not fifteen feet away.

"I win." Talia's deeper voice calls across the lot when she comes to stand before the row of bikes belonging to myself and my brothers.

"You most certainly did. Now what kind of prize does the lovely lady want?"

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now