Chapter Four

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*I've been super busy and exhausted since my husband left. Updates are probably going to once a week at most as opposed to my original plan of three a week. I apologize, but life has gotten in the way.*


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I keep my eyes closed when consciousness finally takes over, my head still firmly pressed into my pillow where I collapsed the night before after working a grueling nine hour shift at the Den.

I keep my eyes closed even when I feel the warm breath of another person fanning against my face, smelling minty, like freshly brushed teeth, and not the typical, rancid morning breath of one of the drunkards I used to drag back to my place in Florida.

"Wakey, wakey," a soft, feminine voice whispers before I feel the blankets shift and a delicate finger tap against my nose. "Time to get up, Tal."

"Go away, Letha," I groan, grabbing my comforter and ripping it over my head to shield me from her interruptions.

"Ah, ah. Nope. Not today, sleepy head. It's time to wake up. Get showered get dressed. Get made up."

She yanks the comforter off my head and I groan, grabbing my pillow and smothering my face in the plushness before her uncharacteristically strong grip grabs it from me and throws it onto the floor.

"And why must I get up? What's so damn important this morning?" Checking the clock on my nightstand, I see it's quarter past nine - also known as way too earlier for my body and mind to be up.

It's amazing what no alcohol throughout the night will do for your sleep schedule, though. If I'd of gotten wasted the night before, I'd still be asleep until at least noon. Now, I can actually see the morning sun in the sky before it becomes blisteringly bright and annoying.

Letha quirks an eyebrow up and sits up in the bed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Haven't you been paying attention to the days at all?"

I shrug. I came here in - what was it, late September early October. Or was it late October early November? I've been here for about a year...

A year.

A brand new year.

"There she is. I didn't think Talia Montgomery of all people would forget when her own birthday was." Letha chuckles and grabs one of the pillows from beside me, hugging it to her chest.

My eyes widen in confusion at just how much time has passed since experiencing the worst time of my life and the hell of a year I've had living here and ruining myself.

"I can't believe it's my birthday so soon, and yet, I feels like my last birthday was a million years ago."

Letha's eyes soften and she pushes her pillow at my side and collapses onto it before pulling me into a hug and forming our bodies together in a snuggle. "It has been a really long year, especially for you, I know. But, it is a new year for you. 24. How exciting is that?" The excitement in her voice is contagious and I find myself breaking out into a wide smile, thinking of everything 24 can bring me.

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