Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The days following the deal made with the King family feel oddly lighter, but dually heavy. None of us know exactly what to think. None except for Lowell who is vehemently against this.

We've not been in direct contact with Elias or Christos since that evening. They made good on their word, though. After they came and collected every last bit from our warehouse, there was a suited up man that showed up on our doorstep, handing us the keys to a nondescript storage locker in a sketchy part of town.

Upon further examination, we discovered the storage locker was loaded floor to ceiling with cash—way more than what we should have gotten to begin with.

Lowell didn't like that either.

"They're buying us. You fuckers know that. Don't be blind. They're about to own us and we're going to get into even deeper shit." He grunts in agitation. "They're going to want more and then more and then more, until we're back in the same spot as we were before."

Ash bangs his fist on the table, shaking the mahogany before us. The few scattered beer bottles and glasses wobble under his strength.

"I didn't see you spouting any other ideas. We didn't have a choice. What's done is done. We need to work to move past this and try and form a mutual alliance with the King's rather than have this power imbalance. Show them we're useful, and we won't be treated as pets. Simple." Ash leans back in his chair and stares down Lowell who has a permanent look of disgust and disappointment on his face.

Lowell shakes his head. "You're a good prez, Ash, but this was a bad call. You'll see." With that, he stands, leaving before church has even ended. I gape after him, knowing Ash is fuming at the head of the table. Lowell has been increasingly defiant lately.

Of course we all know the deal with the King's isn't what we needed, but it's what we've got.

We need to make it work for us in ways that favor us.

"Anyone else got anything to add that'll piss me off?" Ash's jaw ticks as he grasps the gavel. "No? Good. Church is fucking over. Get the hell out of here." He bangs the gavel and the room descends into an uncomfortable silence.

He sits there, bent over the table now, head in his hand and thumbs rubbing his temples, his other hand wrapped around a bottle of whiskey.

The guys are flooding out and into the bar, but myself, Blade, and Stone remain for the time being.

"We can handle the King's," Stone declares enthusiastically.

"You sure we didn't just trade one evil for another?" Ash sounds uncertain. Ash never sounds uncertain. He's let Lowell get to him.

Stone's face lit up with amusement. "At least this evil dresses better. I was getting sick of that pseudo eighties slash hipster thing the Australians had going on."

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