Chapter Nineteen

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*So it looks like my husband and I are back on track to move to Alaska. His deployment and covid have pushed it and pushed it but it finally seems as if we're moving anywhere from the end of this month to the end of next month. Who knows at this point. I'm still expecting that to change. If it's the end of this month, updates will not come any longer as we're going to be busy daily and on the 10 day driving journey I won't be writing at all. I will keep everyone posted on what happens, but expect updates to not come out Mon-Thurs like I originally planned when I started writing again. I'm sorry, but our move is important to me. This book is definitely important as well but it might have to take the backseat once again until we're settled in Anchorage.
P.S. This is short because I needed this scene from Ryder's perspective but I needed the next part from Talia's perspective."


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I send a message to Blade, letting him know that Talia and I are staying at the cabin for the next couple of days, only to be met with a short clip of Kai making kissy faces at the camera, mocking us.

Chuckling, I put my phone into my back pocket and forget about the club for a while. If they need me for an emergency, they'll get ahold of me. For now, Talia is my focus.

Walking up behind her as she stares out of the window overlooking the vast expanse of nothingness, I wrap my arms around her waist, pressing my hands into her sides and resting my head on her shoulder.

She flinches, but only because I startled her, lost in her own mind.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, pressing a soft kiss into her neck.

Her hand comes up and tangles in my hair at the back of my head, her body turning. I stand back up, and see the relief on her face. "Truthfully? After just murdering someone? Fine. Completely and utterly fine. Shouldn't I feel different? Shouldn't I feel sick? I feel nothing."

Pushing her hair away from her face that's fallen from her ponytail, I smile softly. "I think we all react in different ways. It's also important to note that revenge is sweet and does come with a sense of joy, so maybe that's why you're not feeling remorse. As you shouldn't. He got what he deserved."

Talia nods. "He got what he deserved." She looks down, placing her hands on my chest and playing with the edges of my cut. "Soon the others will too, but for now... can we... do something else?"

I quirk an eyebrow up and watch her face bloom with color - something rare but adorable to see. "Just what did you have in mind?"

"I think you know," she sighs, flattening her hands against my chest and pushing up on her heels to kiss me.

Pulling back, I scrunch my face up in confusion. "Might have to refresh my memory."

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now