Chapter Thirty-One

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"Only about another month, yeah?" I look at Callie's bulging baby belly. She looks like she's smuggling a watermelon under her thin day dress and cardigan. But she's glowing. Radiant, practically. Whatever's coursing through a pregnant woman's veins, I'll take some of that—without the baby growing inside of me part.

She huffs and flops dramatically into the chair beside Letha and rests the back of her head against the seat back. "I need this thing out of me, like yesterday. I feel like a whale and I can't stop peeing. Yesterday I peed my pants. Peed. My. Pants." Her eyes are wild and in shock as she relays her terrible day filled with wet pants but Letha and I both can't keep our laughter restrained. She throws her hands up, exasperated. "Sure, fine, make fun of the pregnant girl who pees her pants. I'll remember that when you're carrying around a baby that won't stop kicking your freaking bladder every five minutes!" She crosses her arms over her chest but the motion makes her look even more ridiculous with her belly in the way. She's really just resting her arms there instead of looking fierce.

"It was fine, Callie. We were at home and no one saw," Gray whispers and leans over her shoulder to give her a chaste kiss on the cheek. Her hand floats to his neck and pulls him in for a more longing kiss on the lips.

"Maybe for you. You weren't the one who had to duck waddle to the bathroom to strip off jeans covered in pee. Pee, Gray!" She sighs and brings her hands to her face to cover it. He gives her another kiss, this time on the forehead.

They're sweet together. He's quiet and sticks to himself a lot, but there's never a doubt that he cares more for Callie than he does for himself. He's the kind of guy that would take a bullet for her if he needed to.

"Is church over? Where's Ryder?" I ask, looking behind Gray to search for him. I don't see him but that doesn't mean he's not around.

"He's still in there on a call," Gray nods with his head towards the room they came out of.

"I'll catch you later," I tell the girls, standing slowly and waltzing across the room towards where the guys meet for church. It's nestled in the back of the building, just out of sight from the Den but still easily accessible. I round the corner, all intentions to wait for him outside the room. I see Sean hidden in the shadows of the long corridor, his back turned and his hand holding a phone to his ear.

"No, don't come tonight, tensions are high and I can't get away. Tomorrow, though?" He sounds hopeful but wary at the same time as he speaks to the mystery person on the other end. He pauses, waiting for a response. I don't mean to listen in to what I'm sure he wants to be private by the way he's made sure he's far away from everyone, but I can't seem to shake a strange feeling about whatever he's talking about. "Okay, see you then, bye."

He hangs up and I step into the doorframe of Ash's office, out of sight. He doesn't notice me when he walks by, back out into the Den, but I see the way his shoulders are tense. I wonder what that was about. It was weird. Especially because he was trying to hide it.

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now