Chapter Forty-Five

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I scrub the blood from under my nails with a rough bristled brush I found under the sink. The water runs soapy and pink, draining away my sins.

Looking into the mirror in front of me, I can see the adrenaline slowly fading from my eyes, replaced with dark circles and bags. I feel like I've run a marathon but I've only been at this for about six hours.

A break was much needed and Ryder helped me upstairs, my shoulders sagging and my feet dragging. I'm exhausted and all I want to do is sleep it off for the next twelve hours.

I can't, though.

Matt is still down there. Still conscious last I saw of him. Still being defiant. Still not wishing I'd spare him. He's accepted his fate and it drives me even further into insanity knowing he refuses to beg for his life. I just want to hear him break and fall apart before he meets his demise.

Just once.

"Is it weird that I find it sexy when you're covered in blood?"

Looking over my shoulder in the mirror, I see Ryder step into the room and lean against the glass shower door, his eyes dropping over my body and taking in my appearance.

While the blood on my hands is washing away, there's still the matter of being splattered with it everywhere else. My feet are soaked, my sneakers squishing with every step. It's in my hair, on my cheeks, down my neck, covering my front and trailing down my legs.

"Calm down big boy, we had our fun down there," I smirk, rinsing my hands one last time and shutting the water off.

His face turns serious. "Was that okay for you?"

I give him a small smile and tilt my head, stepping towards him and running my hands up and down his forearms. "It was perfect and I wouldn't change anything about it." It was morbid and weird having sex with Ryder in front of my abuser, but it proves that I held the power there. With my body, I chose who got to touch it that way.

"Come on, then, get in the shower. I'll go and fix you something to eat." He kisses my forehead, careful to avoid the blood droplets there. Reaching into the shower, he turns the faucet and water pours into the tub before he pulls the nozzle to shoot it through the shower head. "I love you Tal."

This would be the time to blush but the blood raining down my face like bloody tears would have just covered it up. "I love you too Dylan."

He bends forward, placing a chaste kiss on my lips. I watch him leave the room, entering the kitchen and fumbling around while I get undressed and get into the shower.

Blood washes off of me in waves of pink down my legs. I take this moment of reprieve to breathe, thinking of their faces exactly like Matt said I would.

But instead of regret and fear, all I can think of is retribution. They got what was coming to them and now they can no longer hurt anyone else. I will never break over what I had to do in that basement.

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now