Chapter Forty-Three

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*Major TW. Chapter is basically just Talia getting revenge. Nothing of substance other than her revenge. If you do not want to read, it won't affect much as long as you understand that she did what she had to do.*

I am serious about the trigger warnings here. Please, DO NOT READ this chapter if you are easily offended or disturbed. There is nothing glamorous about this chapter. There is no "oh it's not that bad". It is that bad, I promise. They did cruel and vile things to her, so she is going to do cruel and vile things to them. If you've read Blade, then you know I'm no stranger to writing dark scenes. This is worse. Read with caution or skip please.

 Read with caution or skip please

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"Fucking bitch!" Matt roars, repeatedly slamming his head against the wall behind him. If he keeps it up, he'll crack his skull and the fun will be over.

I rummage through the tiny portable refrigerator on a shelf under the table wheeled in here. Finding what I'm looking for, I take a fresh syringe and pull the medicine through the needle and stalk towards Matt.

"Stay still."

"Fuck you!" He spits in my face, saliva and blood sticking to my cheek that's still wet with tears.

"Have it your way." I was going to stick it in his arm if he calmed down enough, but that isn't happening so I jam the needle into his throat, plunging the muscle relaxant into his blood stream.

He still flails wildly, but only for another moment or two. Soon, he's calm, sedated, but awake. He'll he drowsy, but I'll keep him awake. He needs to watch. He has to watch. And prepare for what will happen to him.

Vince and Paul are first. Matt will watch it all, waiting in agony until it's finally his turn. He'll be frightened to die by the time it's his turn. There's no doubt in my mind that I can break him. Like he broke me.

He thinks holding me hostage and forcing false love on me was right? He's disgusting. My response to what they did is embarrassing, though. I hate that Ryder has to be privy to that part of my abduction.

I hate that I have to be privy to that information. There's a reason my subconscious pushed it down and forgot it ever even happened. I know, deep down, that it is wrong. I know that it isn't real and that it is a coping mechanism I used to stay strong.

Without it, I might not have made it through the time spent with them and Dmitri.

Thinking back, with the mindset I'm in now, I can see everything I thought I felt for Matt was a lie. A disturbing, happy little lie I told myself so I could make it through the night and come out the next morning triumphant. As triumphant as one can be when they're held captive and repeatedly brutalized.

My mind told me Matt loved me and I loved the things he did to my body. While I remember the horrible things he made me do when we were alone, I forced myself to forget all of the cuddling, the romantic kissing, the passionate sex. The good things that happened between us feel even worse than the bad. If I had to relive it, I'd prefer the brutal beatings and harsh words.

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