Chapter Fourteen

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"So what about you, Talia? Any kiddos in your future?" Laney, my oldest brothers wife asks, puffing on a hand rolled cigarette and pulling her hair off the back of her neck.

It's unusually hot for November and we're sitting around outside, not wanting to smoke inside of the house as to upset my dad's lungs any further.

Quitting would be nice, but my nerves are shot and the only thing I can get around here is nicotine and alcohol, and we already know which of those I was strong enough to give up.

"Kids? Me? No, probably not." Kids are fine. I actually like them but I'm not very good with them. Never really have been.

"Aww, but why, sis? You'd make such a good mom!" My youngest brother, Micah, jokes, taking a pull from his own cigarette.

Out of all the kids, Micah is probably the poster child for bringing yourself out of the slums and doing something with your life. With classic southern charm, a decent enough wardrobe to make him appear wealthier than he is, a good truck, nice cushy job that takes care of him, he's pretty much the only person in the Montgomery clan that actually did something with their life. Something reputable, that is. He may not be living in a mansion and still has just as much credit card debt as the rest of us, but he's doing better than the lot of us.

I may have gotten out of the trailer park and lived in big cities, but there's no way I could advertise the jobs I've held or the people I associate myself with on Facebook for all the family to see. Micah works for some bigwig oil guy on his farm taking care of his horses (and taking care of his boss's daughter part time, or so I've been told).

"You know, with all that motherly instinct you've got, you'd be a shoe in for Best Mommy of the Year." Micah laughs, tossing his smoke into the bucket where hundreds of others reside, damp from the rain and overflowing into the dirt ground.

"I said I didn't know what I was doing!" I shout, throwing my hands up in exasperation.

Laney chuckles. "Don't worry, girl, I'm not gonna fault you for putting his diaper on backwards. Hell, Christian couldn't figure it out for love nor money with our first baby."

Christian and Laney, bless them, have five kids together. Starting back in high school, the duo have popped them out like Laney's snatch was an easy bake oven. Sometimes I wonder if they've ever heard of contraception.

"Thanks." I groan, putting out my own smoke and picking my sandwich back up and unwrapping it. The second I do, one of the neighborhood stray dogs comes wandering my way to sit and beg at my feet. "You're lucky you're cute," I say to him, picking a piece of my chicken sandwich apart to drop into his mouth.

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