Chapter Forty-Six

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"You've got to be kidding me," I groan, throwing my head back against the hospital pillow.

"Mr. Novak, you need time for recovery. It's best if you stay here in the hospital."

My body feels light as it comes down from what's left of the anesthesia and the painkillers they've already got pumping through me. I don't feel a damn thing. Certainly not the surgery they just spent hours doing on me.

Last I remember, I was in the cabin with Talia. Talon had just shown up and thanks to him, helped rescue both of us.

Next thing I know, I'm waking up in a hospital room, machines hooked up to my body and Talia resting on the side of my bed.

"I don't want to stay here. Discharge me so I can get home."

"Ryder..." Talia drawls, "You got stabbed in the guts."

"Speaking of, do you want the police called to report the incident? I know your girlfriend said it was a stranger in a mask and they took off, but it's still worth it to report it." The nurse writes something down in the chart she's holding before running up the dose of the pain med drip attached to my arm.

I give Talia an amused look, raising my brow. "Nah, no good in filing a report that'll go nowhere." Talia takes my hand and squeezes it.

"Okay, Mr. Novak, if there's anything I can do for you, just let me know."

I give the older woman a look. "You can start by getting those discharge papers. I'm not sticking around this hospital."

I can see she's growing frustrated with me but I don't care. I'm not sitting in a hospital bed for a week to recover. My room at the clubhouse is just as fine and I can have the club doc stop by if I need her too.

"Very well. Be back soon." She won't be back soon.

"What the hell happened?" I ask Talia when the nurse is gone, leaving just the two of us in this surgery recovery suite. "Where are the guys?"

Talia looks like she may have been crying and I squeeze her hand harder.

"Matt stabbed you. You were losing a lot of blood and when Talon and I helped you up to get out of there, you collapsed. The rest of the club is here somewhere."

I blink a few times, leaning back in the bed and feeling the uncomfortable cushioned pillow behind me. "I don't even remember this." My eyes widen in panic. "Where's Matt now?"

I can't believe he managed to get out. I don't blame Talia, she didn't know, but that son of a bitch is slimy and I should have known he'd try something shady. I should have cut his hands off. There's too much leeway on those chains. I'll have to remember that next time with the guys if we need to bring someone down there.

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now