Chapter Seven

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*So sorry it took this long to get out! I love you all. Thanks so much for reading. Let me know your thoughts and your predictions for how this book is going to go!*

 Let me know your thoughts and your predictions for how this book is going to go!*

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My thumb taps incessantly against the wooden surface of the expertly carved, custom-made table that sits in the center of the meeting room.

Looking up from the small mound of weed I've piled in front of me - bits that fell out of my joint mostly - my eyes scan over the large painting of a wolf howling at the moon.

These portraits are all over the clubhouse, all done by the same person: O.A.B. Someone who used to mean a lot to this club, to this family, but has since disappeared and is hardly ever mentioned. It's sad, really.

Rolling my eyes up to the ceiling, I grab a cigarette from my pocket and put it to my lips, grabbing a zippo and lighting up. Smoke billows towards the ceiling, intermingling with the rest of the stagnant smoke still lingering in the air from my previous joint and some of the others' cigarettes.

Ash called church nearly an hour ago and we've been stuck in here ever since, all of the us going back and forth, back and forth, on what to do with the cunt bag Australians.

Since partnering with them, they've been nothing but dicks, making me wish we'd never made a deal with them to begin with - even if it was our only option at the time. With no one wanting to do business with us after The Incident, teaming up with the duo and their network of degenerates was the best choice.

Aside from the obvious: going straight edge. Getting out of this hectic life of gun running and drug dealing.

The Australian brothers have stirred up nothing but trouble, now demanding that we move our shipments faster and faster. Almost to the point where we're getting new stock every week.

"If we don't get it moved, they've already said they'll cut us off, then where will that leave us? On our fucking asses," Ash grits out, sucking down a pint and slamming the empty glass onto the table. That was officially his fifth since sitting down at the head of the table. Thankfully the giant brute of a man can hold his liquor, but if he keeps at it, it's only a matter of time before he becomes belligerent and crueler than normal. Snapping at any one of us simply for looking at him wrong. With his blood already pumping in anger, I can see his fury spark if he has another few drinks.

"Then let's finally just stop. Get out of this shit. Be done with it," Blade cuts his hands through the air in front of him before crossing them over his chest. He voices my own desires out loud - the hope of one day just making clean money.

But I can see the frustration grow on Ash's face, along with a few other choice members who have always advocated for the darker side of our operations.

"Obeying the law and running honest businesses isn't going to keep this place afloat. You like the life you live right? That cute little house in Paradise? The nice cars? Unlimited access to food, drink, and fun?" Ash leans forward onto the table and shoots Blade a pointed stare. "All that stops when we cut out what we're doing. We're pulling in millions a year between all of us. We cut out our deal with the Australians? Well then we can kiss our happy go lucky lives goodbye. It's back to hard work and struggling."

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now