Chapter Nine

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*Rather than comment on my absence for what seems like the billionth time, I'm just going to say enjoy this chapter and thank you for the patience. Enjoy my loves.*


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She came out of nowhere with that request.

To take her out on a date.

A real fucking date with that dark haired minx of a woman who goes back and forth on whether or not she wants to actually give me the time of day.

A year I've chased her and made my desires clear - or so I'd thought. Apparently I'd just been the creepy shadow sticking to her side and occasionally annoying the hell out of her.

Finally, though, she's decided to bring me into her light and enjoy an evening with me and only me. No brothers. No friends. No hangarounds, Sheep, distractions.

Just us and a nice restaurant. A typical, boring, run of the mill date that every girl in movies creams their panties over. That is, if they're wearing panties.

Fuck. What if she's not wearing panties?

I run my hand over my cock behind my black, tight dress pants, reveling in the sensation for a moment before I start thinking of motor oil and fat old dudes with asscrack showing to calm myself.

There. Down goes Little Ryder.

I fix the collar of my suit jacket in the mirror, smoothing down everything once more before pulling my sleeves down. It's rare to catch me in a suit; they're typically only reserved for funerals and one wedding I attended back when I was twelve.

I own them, but they tend to spend more time collecting dust in the back of my closet rather than getting my money's worth by being on my body.

Slipping ring after ring onto my tattooed fingers, I take a deep breath, shaking out my nerves and slapping my cheeks a few times in the mirror, bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet.

"Just a date, man." I shrug, making a nonchalant face in the mirror and waving away my nervous attitude.

It's just a date.

With a fucking angel.

"Woo, looks like someone's got a hot date tonight!" Dez shouts, cupping his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice.

I waltz down the stairs, a confident pep in my step that hadn't been there twenty minutes ago.

"Goddamn, he even combed his hair! Is it my birthday?" Kai fans himself and pretends to faint, the pretty Sheep perched on his lap giggling and kissing him. He turns his attention to her. "Thanks baby, true love's kiss sure does know how to wake a fella up."

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