Chapter Forty

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*TW: Graphic depictions of what happened to Talia.*


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Logan Montgomery.

It's a shock to see Talia's brother show up here unannounced like that. It's even more of a shock to have him judge her for being with me and apart of this life when his sketchy ass came in here all twitchy and nervous.

He's obviously coming down from something. I'm not even sure Talia noticed. I know what withdrawal symptoms look like because of my mother. Logan is sweaty and anxious and looking for his next fix. His emotions are heightened, causing him to lash out when he normally wouldn't.

I'm used to being judged for my appearance, though, just like I'm doing to him. Talia loves him and cares for him. Just because he's a druggie doesn't mean he's a bad person. He may have automatically judged me as such, but I should give him the benefit of the doubt. I should he the bigger person.

I will admit that when I first saw him walk into the clubhouse, I didn't know who he was or why he wanted to talk to Talia. My mind immediately thought he might have been another distraction like Dougie once was.

When I saw how bright blue his eyes were and the same exact shade of dark brown hair that Talia has, I knew it wasn't romantic, but a familial bond between the two.

I didn't want to listen to what they were talking about, but I couldn't help it. I have to think she didn't mind because she didn't bother to take him somewhere private to talk.

If he causes any problems, he's going to have to go. I won't have someone dragging shit into the club when we don't even know him. It'll hurt Talia to have her brother kicked out on our account so I'm going to try and give him a chance.

Convincing Ash to let him stick around when he's got a potential target on him might be another story.

If he becomes a problem, steps out of like just once, the club will decide together if we want to keep the little deviant around or kick him to the curb. I can only hope Talia understands if it comes to that.

Following behind Talia, I breathe in the morning air, crisp with a slight cool breeze from the cars speeding by. The parking lot is practically empty this early in the morning, just a couple of people who passed out drunk outside the night before and Finn sweeping the concrete walkway around the front.

Trash is littered everywhere but within the next couple of hours, the prospects will have it all cleaned up and ready for tonight, only to do it all over again tomorrow morning. It's a constant cycle, but they get used to it. And they only have to do it for about a year before they find their place with us. Then new prospects take their place and the cycle starts over again.

Gray was our most recent promotion and Riot was our most recent addition. Sean will go next and there's plenty of guys willing to pick from that want to be apart of us. If we had the space or ability, we'd take on more prospects. I know Ash and Blade are considering it. The club is small. Has been for nearly a decade now. It'd be nice to have a bigger club, filled with more ready and willing guys. Being small has been our downfall as of late. Maybe if we incorporated more we wouldn't be such easy pickings anymore.

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