Chapter Twelve

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Halloween. It used to be my favorite holiday. It used to be the time of year where I could wear my favorite sexy cat costume down the street and no one would judge me, because it was Halloween and you can wear whatever you want.

Perusing my closet, I skip over the old school sexy cat, sexy witch, sexy maid, and just plain sexy lingerie costumes that made it in my belongings that were shipped here. None of them have the same sense of excitement they used to hold. I don't feel sexy when I grasp the polyester fabric. I don't feel joy when I hold them up to my body in the mirror.

They just hold memories of a place I'd rather not think of. Most of my clothes do. And I'm slowly working them out of my closet and into donation bins, but I can't very well walk around naked because my clothes make me hate myself. The club doesn't pay me enough as a bartender and I don't make nearly enough in tips since the patrons of the Den are all a bunch of cheapskates. So, refurbishing my closet has been a task, but it's slowly coming along.

One thing I haven't done is pick a new Halloween costume. Such a simple, ridiculous, menial task that isn't even of paramount importance - but something that I've fixated on within the past week leading up to today.

"We could match," Letha mentions, standing up and coming to my side to wrap her arms around my waist from behind and rest her head on my shoulder.

I shake my head, putting back the costume in my hand and forgetting about it in my closet. "You're going as an angel and demon with Blade. I don't want to mess up your chance to do a couple's costume."

"Well, maybe you can convince your little shadow to match with you." She smirks, pulling off and shuffling through my closet herself, trying to come up with something.

"I've been seeing Ryder officially for just over a month, we're not doing couple's costumes."

Letha pouts. "I am begging you. Get him into something ridiculous. I need a photo to mock him with for years to come."

Chuckling, I pull my hair back into a high ponytail, wrapping the scrunchie around my hair to hold it up. "You know he has no shame. A photo of him dressed in a chicken costume being puked on by someone in an Easter bunny suit wouldn't embarrass him."

Letha sighs, "You're right. But... I'd still get it framed and hung up in the clubhouse for all to see. At least we'd all get enjoyment out of it."

I laugh, grabbing another costume from my collection and holding it up to my body. "Ugh! Enough. I'm just going to wear this. This is stupid anyway. It's just another biker party. I'm sure the majority of the club and attendees won't even be wearing anything."

Letha shrugs. "Last year they dressed up. I think they secretly like it, though, if you asked, I'm sure they'd say it was lame."

I groan, closing my eyes and falling back onto my bed where Letha comes to sit beside me. "Have you realized how normal this is?"

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