Chapter Eight

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*Again, I'm going to reiterate that the reason updates are not coming out faster is because of my life situation at the moment. With my husband deployed and us about to make a huge move to Alaska from North Carolina, I've got a million things to do along with taking care of myself, my cats, and my house alone. Writing has been pushed to the back burner but I have not forgotten about this series! I love you all and thank you for sticking with me through this tough time right now!*

 Writing has been pushed to the back burner but I have not forgotten about this series! I love you all and thank you for sticking with me through this tough time right now!*

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"Absolutely not."

My lips pucker in agitation before releasing into a thin line. "And why won't you help me with this? It's a simple request."

He belts a loud laugh before covering his mouth and running his hand down his chin. "A simple request? Talia, you're asking if I'll help you track down and torture a hoard of men before killing them."

I shrug. "A simple request."

Ryder shakes his head. "Listen, I know you want your revenge and I'd be more than willing to help you - but you've got to let the club in on your plans too. These men are wildcards. We don't know them. If we get the brothers involved, then there's a better chance at taking care of them."

"I don't want the club involved. I want this handled alone, but unfortunately, I don't possess the resources you can provide me with. Help me Novak, I need to do this."

He sighs deeply in exasperation. "Please let me bring it up at the next meeting. You don't want to do this. Let the club handle it."

"Stop!" I command, putting my foot down and raising my voice enough for a few of the prospects and random day drinkers to take notice. Their heads pop up to stare in our direction, but when I continue more quietly, they go about their business. "I have to do this myself. I have to. It's the only way I'll get the closure I'm seeking. If I don't do this, then they've won. And if I let the club do it, then I'm letting men handle all my problems. That's not the way I roll. I've already depended on the men around here for nearly a year. I can't keep having you and your brothers play out your white knight fantasies on me. I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself, but I'm not above asking for a bit of assistance where need be.

"So this is me, asking you for assistance. Please, help me find them. Help me do this. Help me get my revenge. Help me end this pain deep inside." I point to my chest, directly where my heart pounds frantically behind my rib cage. Tears wet the corners of my eyes but I blink them away. I won't cry. I don't cry. Not today. Not over this.

I'm taking back my life - something tears should not be wasted on.

I can see Ryder's brain working in the way his eyes glisten over when he looks at me. He pauses, only momentarily, but I hold my breath nonetheless, waiting for his verdict.

Ryder (Savage Wolves MC) #3Where stories live. Discover now